Page 105 - The Power of Light, Colour and Sound for Health and Wellness draft
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ideas was forgotten. Only by mid-60th using ultra-sensitive photon counters, it was re-discovered and gave rise to the so-called “biophotonic” research.
In this approach people study ultra-weak photon emission from different biological subjects, kept in total darkness. It was shown that this emission refects vital activity of a subject.
Another method for studding photon emission of different subjects was developed in Electrophotonic Imaging (EPI) technique. This method has a long history. In 1777 the German physicist and philosopher George Lichtenberg reported that when any object was placed in a strong electrical feld, a glow could be seen around it. Lichtenberg was able to print images on a plate covered with coal dust that physicists called “Lichtenberg’ fgures”. Interest in photographing electrical fuorescence increased all over the world due to the infuence of Nicola Tesla, who demonstrated in 1880 that the application of a high-frequency electrical circuit to the body caused a bright fuorescence to surround it. In 1939 the Russian electrical engineer Semyon Kirlian, and his wife Valentina, developed their own technique which became known as “Kirlian photography”. Hundreds of papers were published on this topic in XXth Century, including results of six-year project in Drexel University in Philadelphia published in 1976 in the prestigious journal Science [2]. The International Union of Medical and Applied Bio-Electrography was formed in 1987 to help standardize equipment, research methods, and data acquisition.
Gas Discharge Visualisation (GDV) technology was developed in Russia by a team led by Dr. Konstantin Korotkov in 1995. The GDV device is a state- of-the-art computerized system that has superseded traditional Kirlian photography for several reasons. A major difference is that it allows direct, real-time viewing and analysis of changes in human energy felds since the data is quantifed and analyzed by sophisticated software. Because the results are obtained so rapidly, it has become a useful method for medicine, sport, water and environment study. Most importantly, since this technology and the protocols used are standardized, GDV results obtained by different investigators can be compared with reliability. The results are interpreted based on the energy connections of fngers with different organs and systems as determined empirically based upon thousands of readings which may correlate with systems such as Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda [3].