Page 124 - The Power of Light, Colour and Sound for Health and Wellness draft
P. 124
As a color therapist, I have met many clients that are emotionally and physically unbalanced due to stress. Wellness is known to be an integration of the mental, the emotional, and the physical well-being, as these three states share the same wavelengths.
Through my clients I have learned that when a person is feeling stressed, there is an imbalance in the mental, the emotional, and the physical wavelengths. With mental care being my domain, I do not perform physical therapy on my clients. However, when there is an imbalance in the mental state and the emotional state, there will be a discomfort in the body. Therefore, by aligning the wavelengths of the mental state and the emotional state, it will have a good effect on the client’s body.
As wavelengths are energies, different energies are used mentally and emotionally when humans are under stress. This tends to occur when we are mentally aware but have not accepted a situation emotionally.
With the belief that humans are rational animals, the logical mind have the tendency to suppress the emotional heart. Therefore, in order to maintain a healthy heart, these two elements, the mind and the heart, must be hand-in- hand. To do so, I believe that it is important to recognize the “voice of the heart”.
We have developed the Lightwave Tuning System, a color check system, to understand the balance of our emotions.
Just as CT Scan can detect problems within one’s body, the Lightwave Tuning System allows us to see one’s internal energy balance in the unconscious state. After the color check the Sensora, the visible light, will be used to tune and to balance the mind and the heart. If there are multiple colors chosen for the tuning process, we will use the PRiSMA Color Light Therapy Glasses to select the most important wavelength for the unconscious.
The PRiSMA Color Light Therapy Glasses is an innovative eyewear made in Germany. These colored glasses are high quality, and it precisely imitates each of the color wavelengths composed by the sun. The visible light that enters through human eyes affects our unconscious, as it helps us immediately and instinctively judge which colors are necessary for tuning. Senotech’s Sensora, developed by Anadi Martel from Canada, is one of the latest Light Therapy system, which combines sound, vibration, and light dynamics with delicate and precise calculations. The light from the Sensora reaches deep into the brain and brings the vicious cycle back to the natural state of mind in a short period of time.