Page 126 - The Power of Light, Colour and Sound for Health and Wellness draft
P. 126

 Session 2
Continued from previous session:
“My back pain was not relieved even after 6 months of physical therapy, but after the last session I was not bothered by the pain for the past few days. Also, I realized that I care too much about what others think about me. Because of this, I am not able to show my true self and speak my real thoughts.”
Color Check Analysis:
Although the conscious still contains unforeseeable emotional confict, it desires the Red energy to push forward her thoughts. However, the unconscious requires the Indigo energy, so she will not be infuenced by other’s opinions. In comparison with the frst session, the energy required by the unconscious was more recognizable. Nonetheless, it did not match with the conscious, and it would be considered that the unconscious is not ready to activate the Red energy. When the client checked the color sensitivity with Prisma Color Sunglass, Red was too strong and gave her a sense of urgency. Although a little dark, she
mentioned that Indigo made her feel comfortable.
As a result, Tuning Color is Indigo, which will be
the Relaxing Mode in Sensora.
color R O Y YG G T B I P M conscious 1   1 1         preconscious 3 2 1 1 1 3 2 0 1 1 unconscious 1 1112312
Table2 Colors with the numbers 3 or more are lacking. Prioritize the unconscious category.
Feedback after Sensora:
“I was adrift in the ocean alone, I was a little afraid, but the surface of the ocean was glistening when I looked up. Without having any reason, I knew that I had to follow the light. Then, I fell asleep again. I had a deeper sleep than my frst session, and I feel much clearheaded.”
Session 3
Points continues from previous session:
“Next day after the second session, I felt as if I was able to fush out all of my baggage down the toilet. Also, one of my friends introduced me to a person that is willing to support my dream. We haven't planned anything in detail yet, so the future is still unclear. However, I have decided to make my dream into reality.”
Color Check Analysis:
In the conscious there is no clear vision about the future, but the fact that she has decided to move towards her dream requires a Magenta energy. The unconsciousness also requires the Magenta energy, so one can see that

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