Page 127 - The Power of Light, Colour and Sound for Health and Wellness draft
P. 127
each color is almost balanced out on the energy scale. Therefore, we can conclude that the conscious and the unconscious are integrated. As a result, Tuning Color is Magenta, which will be the Balancing Mode in Sensora
color R O Y YG G T B I P M conscious 1 1 1 preconscious 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 3 unconscious 1 1 22123 Table3 Colors with the numbers 3 or more are lacking. Prioritize the unconscious category.
Feedback after Sensora:
“I felt my blood circulation in my body. It was a little scary,
because I felt as if I was going to get sucked into the light. But at the same time, I wanted to enter the light. It was a very strange feeling. I watched the light pouring from the Sensora until the last second; I wanted to watch the light longer. Emotionally, I was able to get rid of all my worries.”
Example 2
Profle of Client Session
Main Problem
Female, Age 40, Married, Occupation: House wife
Three Sessions: Once per month
Relationship with her husband – there were differences in values from the beginning of their marriage, but they always worked it out. However, lately there have been more disagreements on parenting and managing a relationship with each other’s in-laws. She also started a part-time job, which broadened her horizon. Recently, she gets chest pains when it gets closer to her husband coming home from work. There is no physical violence, but she is living in fear. However, she has no confdence to divorce and to live on her own.
Session 1
Color Check Analysis:
Her mind and her body are tired, yet she suppresses her feeling of letting go to fulfll her duty as a mother and a wife. Therefore, her conscious is longing for the Magenta energy. However, her unconscious requires the Yellow green energy to feel emotionally supported. As a result, Tuning Color is Yellow green, which will be the Balancing Mode in Sensora