Page 129 - The Power of Light, Colour and Sound for Health and Wellness draft
P. 129
Session 3
Points continues from previous session:
“On the night of the second session, I was able to speak with my husband with the help of the energy coming from within; we were able to compromise. During this one month I didn’t have any chest pains, and I wasn’t living in fear. I am still in disbelief with all the changes in myself and in this situation, but I would like to accept this new situation with a new mindset.”
Color Check Analysis:
In the client’s consciousness, she was able to recognize her emotions and released all the stress and the pressure that she was holding in. She also wants to accept the present state as she longs for a Magenta energy, but there is stiffness in her shoulder. In her unconsciousness the Yellow energy is desired to relax her stiff shoulders, and the Yellow green energy will help her realize that she will be accepted by her family as her true self. When we examined the color degree with Prisma Color Sunglass, Yellow green felt dark, but Yellow allowed her to be more positive. As
a result, Tuning Color is Yellow, which will be the
Energizing Mode in Sensora
color R O Y YG G T B I P M
conscious 1 1 1
preconscious 1 2 1 3 0 1 2 1 3 1
unconscious 1 3 3 2 2 1
Table6 Colors with the numbers 3 or more are lacking. Prioritize the unconscious category.
Feedback after Sensora:
“In the beginning the color red was too strong, and my body felt tense. However, my body gradually relaxed and felt free that red started to appear beautiful. The intervals with blue and green were also beautiful, and I wondered if these colors help the orange and the yellow stand out. By looking at all these colors, I realized that its okay to express my emotions and show different sides of myself. I fell asleep in the latter part, as if I was relieved from realizing what I just did. I woke up when the music ended.”
In the examples above, I have used two clients that displayed a noticeable change during their Lightwave session. Many take one session per week, and by the third session we will be able to see the connection between the conscious and the unconscious. In addition, there will be a remarkable change in the client’s consciousness, body, and environment.
Although each client may differ, there is a tendency to obtain a higher effect when the intervals of the sessions are shortened. For example, there was a case where a client attended a session three consecutive days and