Page 128 - The Power of Light, Colour and Sound for Health and Wellness draft
P. 128

 color R O Y YG G T B I P M conscious 1      11 preconscious 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 3 2 unconscious 2 2 3 2 1 2 Table4 Colors with the numbers 3 or more are lacking. Prioritize the unconscious category.
Feedback after Sensora:
“The colors and the lights projected on the screen were
beautiful, but nothing came up to mind. I also couldn’t feel the vibration from the chair from my waist up.”
Session 2
Continued from previous Session:
“While I was taking a bath three days after my frst session, I unintentionally recalled the light I watched at the session. I couldn’t hold back my tears, but I don’t know why I was tearing. All I know is that they were not sad tears but tears of relief.”
Color Check Analysis:
In her conscious she still seeks the Magenta energy as she prioritizes her role as a mother and a wife. However, this time she is willing to face her feelings of wanting to let go. Her unconscious is also longing for the Magenta energy, as her energy to face the truth is
rising for grounding purposes. As a result, Tuning
Color is Magenta, which will be the Balancing Mode
in Sensora
color R O Y YG G T B I P M conscious   1   1 1 preconscious 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 3 2 unconscious 112 22 13
Table5 Colors with the numbers 3 or more are lacking. Prioritize the unconscious category.
Feedback after Sensora:
“When I was surrounded by the light, I felt as everything became certain and became emotionally lighter. Simultaneously, I found myself objectively looking back at the moment when my husband and I were in an argument. He was seeking a mutual concession, but I was assuming that my husband will never understand me; my husband looked sad. I realized that I was the selfsh one ruining our relationship. If I don’t face this situation right now, I will break our family. I have decided to express this honest feeling to my husband. This time, I felt as if the vibration from the chair pushed me and gave me courage.”

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