Page 194 - The Power of Light, Colour and Sound for Health and Wellness draft
P. 194

Through a number of synchronicities I received information about a ‘light therapy device’ that is developed in France... Due to the language barrier, information from French speaking zones often takes more time to be shared. I got in contact with the inventor and his scientifc advisor and, after having a personal experience, I felt that the information about LineQuartz® is worth sharing.
The story begins in December 2004: Yannick Delgado, a French Engineer had a stroke and spent 6 hours in a coma. During his recovery in hospital, he started drawing some special geometrical shapes... In the following year he travelled to Mexico and Brazil on his quest for ‘balance’ and ‘meaning’. On this journey he visualized his drawings as multifaceted quartz crystals. While looking for a way to use the quartz for health and well-being, he got the idea to add light as the active component and it seemed to be a natural process to add sound as well.
During the development phase, Yannick Delgado got in contact with Belgian Prof. Alain Servais, who, very soon, became his scientifc advisor. These two men are now working in close collaboration, constantly improving the technique. LineQuartz® is actually being used by 37 therapists in France. There are also devices (5) installed in Switzerland and Belgium as well as in China (2).
In order to explain the functioning of LineQuartz® it is important to make a theoretical introduction explaining the principles it is based on.

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