Page 195 - The Power of Light, Colour and Sound for Health and Wellness draft
P. 195
"Every cell is a smart being that is able to survive on its own" (B. Lipton 2006) Like the human being, the cell is able to analyze, locate thousands of stimuli from its microscopic environment and it is also able to learn from its environment (external and internal) as well as to create a cellular memory that it transmits to its ‘followers’.
The emotional, conscious, ‘mental’ environment is partly responsible for certain cellular behavioral changes.
Genes are not the only controllers of our lives. The epigenetic research teaches us that human behavior is coded for 15% by genetics and the remaining 85% by the environment: everything we eat, drink, hear, people we meet, electromagnetic factors - our ‘environmental culture’. Epigenetics also tell us that these genetic modifcations that do not change the basic matrix, could be passed on to future generations. The activity of the gene itself is controlled by environmental signals. (Zammateo 2010)
Like us, the cells are modeled according to where they live. In other words, the environment is responsible for physiological damage (B. Lipton ... 2006).
The only structure that can play the role of the cellular brain is the cell membrane. It is chemically composed largely of phospholipids and ‘smart’ proteins. Intrinsic membrane proteins do not allow any molecule to enter the cell; only molecules necessary for the functioning of the cytoplasm and nucleus have access to it, and these proteins are included in the phospholipid membrane.
Some receptors react to physical signals (histamine, estrogen, toxins ...). Others are able to ‘read’ felds of vibratory energy, light, sounds, vibratory frequencies; they vibrate like tuning forks. The energetic vibration of the environment which resonates (tuning) with the receptor, modifes the protein's charge by changing its form (this gives the movement, the organic behavior). "Biological behaviors can be controlled as much by ‘invisible forces’, including thought, as by physical molecules." (B. Lipton 2006) This is a well-established fact that provides a scientifc foundation for an ‘energy approach’ of different therapeutic felds.
Lipton compared the simple cell membrane to a silicon chip used in computer processors.
In his book ‘Molecules of Emotions’, Cardace Peel (1997) discovered that our information receptors on the membranes of nerve cells (neurons) were present in almost all cells in the body. ‘The mind’ would not be focused only in the head, but in all the cells of the body in the form of molecular signals.
The alignment of membrane protein molecules is achieved by the relative dielectric constant of water, aligning its molecular structures as an assembly of highly receptive crystals to electromagnetic waves created: