Page 197 - The Power of Light, Colour and Sound for Health and Wellness draft
P. 197
This discovery offers a scientifc base for new therapeutic approaches.
All living matter is traversed by information fows (e.g. in acupuncture) and some parts of the body are ‘drowned’ with information while others receive too little. Too much information, as well as too little, leads to disorder - a theory of Chinese medicine according to which we must fnd the right balance. By changing the felds, the matter can only follow. In chronic diseases, we work on the felds, which in fact are the electromagnetic translators of the causes. And some authors say that causes do not even belong to the present alone, but come from the past. The memory of water can reinforce this idea.
Other modern time inventions (computers, smartphones, tablets) that use liquid crystals, the ‘quartz’ partly composed of silica, associated with semi- or superconductors, has allowed the development of nanotechnologies using the electromagnetic felds. Having a stable frequency is one of the most powerful energy amplifers of the magnetic feld. As every living being is a carrier of electromagnetic energy throughout its life cycle, the electromagnetic human (referring here to its electromagnetic expression) (or HEM, l’homme électromagnétique in French) exchanges with the environment ‘positive’ and ‘negative’ energies by which its physical body fnds its natural health performance by a subtle dosage between these two components. We are therefore both transmitter and receiver channels, because we have between 6 and 10 grams of organic silica within our body and this is essential to maintain the quality of connective tissue, elastic fbers, the quality of the skin and blood vessels. We also fnd some in different organs of our body. Silicon acts as a catalyst, receiver and transmitter of energy through the 99.90% of water (energy vehicle) molecules within our body. Naturally, these particularities led to refect on the possible cause-effect relationship of the benefts of quartz on the human body and on communication with the organic silica of the body to stimulate it. Our body is composed of energy, vibrating at different frequencies and certain environmental frequencies can affect these frequencies with physiological consequences (stress, ...) creating pathologies that are of course unresolved by biochemistry because of their electromagnetic origin.
"Nothing is fner than the border between a rash assumption and a scientifc discovery that disrupts our fossilized knowledge" (A. Servais.) The LineQuartz® developing strategies, directly related to the scientifc realities that are currently accepted by most physicists and chemists who are open to paradigm shifts, may constitute a possibility of cellular