Page 198 - The Power of Light, Colour and Sound for Health and Wellness draft
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electromagnetic rearrangement (or ‘reset’). This possibility seems all the more interesting since it could then be that this electromagnetic reset acts by organic, emotional and hormonal way, by integrating a maximum of information.
"If we are the result of something more than pure chance, then it makes sense that our life is also more than mere survival. It implies that our life has meaning.” G. Braden (2018)
The wave action of the LineQuartz® has non-invasive applications that combines four complementary well-being approaches, based on the vibratory energy as close as possible to that emitted by the Earth's crust. Together with the learned research, carried out in laboratories, proves to bring each recipient to a ‘reset’ of their entire body through a self-suffcient approach to healing or wellness. The mental states that are generated by the felds and produced by the brain during the processing of information, resonate with the frequency of the Earth.
Studies have shown the links between the feld lines of the earth, Schumann's resonances and the markers of human health (Helraoui and Toniton 2003). Halley, Carrelissen, McGrady, Czaplicki, and Al- Abdulgader (2011) demonstrated that emotions, health, and cognitive functions are affected by solar and geomagnetic felds.
Since the body is sensitive to the frequencies generated by the brain, we can therefore use this ‘sensitivity’ to heal our cells.
Results obtained using LineQuartz®
Whether it is depression, sleep disorders, premenstrual syndrome, senile dementia, lung pain, stress, infammatory phenomena, burnout ..., the benefts of LineQuartz® on these disorders have been proven.
During the last two years, the number of cancer patients treated by conventional chemo and radio-therapy, using LineQuartz® in addition (with a specifcally designed programs) have experienced signifcant decrease, or absence of side effects (of the conventional therapy) as well as remarkable recoveries. A number of testimonials of total remissions has been recorded.
Any disorder of the body comes, at least in part, from a cellular electrical imbalance. Organic silicon can play an important role by increasing the electrical impulses between the different molecules but also in intracellular and intercellular energy transport (we can discover the presence of silicon aggregates in the cellular mitochondria which play a big role in the intrinsic energy). Silicon also plays a role of quartz regulator pulses or very stable frequency signals governing the movement of the centriole. From