Page 224 - The Power of Light, Colour and Sound for Health and Wellness draft
P. 224
By Abhay Wadhwa | AWA Lighting Designers | In Collaboration with Barbara Davis-Thompson
1. Soularium: A Portal for Soul Enhancement
Welcome to the Soularium. We invite you to engage in an immersive, multi-sensory journey of transcending the ordinary, opening to inspiring, and awakening to elevating states of mindfulness.
"Everyone is invited on this journey however the call comes, however the tests on the path are endured, whatever the learning, whatever it takes to survive the dark night of the soul before the birth of the enlightened self. Through each soul, and for perpetuity, the evolvement toward suprahuman consciousness continues leading to a merger with Source. Each soul has the choice to be a conduit to the limitless, eternal mind of Source achieving its secrets, becoming one of the more enlightened, caring people who will change the world raising humankind to the divine.”
- Barbara Davis-Thompson
Amid distractions and unrelenting busyness, we forget who we are. Getting caught up in everyday demands, never-ending goals, and hectic schedules imbalances our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health. The Soularium’s goal is to bring out the best in human nature by providing a soul sanctuary, a nurturing place for energy renewal, which allows for new awareness to be born, the imagination to re-energize, and to relieve physical, mental, and emotional stress.