Page 225 - The Power of Light, Colour and Sound for Health and Wellness draft
P. 225

 The Soularium provides an illuminative space beyond the chaos, distractions, and obstacles of the world where we lose focus of who we are and, therefore, live marginalized lives that deny our true potential. Since the mind, body, and soul are connected, so we must use a similarly holistic approach to integrate them to become a stronger, wiser version of oneself.
In the Soularium environment, you are invited to free a closed mind, let go of stagnated emotions, create a new personal narrative, and destress the body. The design and energy feld of the Soularium engages you in an exploratory journey into that which is inaccessible to human reason but speaks to the mind that exists beyond consciousness. It does this by communicating through light baths, electronic visuals, healing sound frequencies (alternating bilateral sound), and color therapy. Through the collaborative orchestration of each of these experiential and sensory elements, a transformative experience is possible, which can transport you beyond your faulty thoughts, emotional suffering, and bodily distractions to allow you to communicate with your inner essence and access your inner knowing.
You are invited to explore all that the Solarium offers. Thank you for being our honored guest.
2. "You Are a Miracle"
By moving past the gates of the present, quieting your mind, and engaging your creative imagination, you embark on the Soularium’s journey to a surreal, spectral world.
“Look at [your] hand...a part of it came from a star that exploded too long ago to imagine. This part of [you] was formed from a tongue of fre that screamed through the heavens until there was our sun. And this part of [you]— this tiny part of [you]—was on the sun when it itself

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