Page 94 - The Power of Light, Colour and Sound for Health and Wellness draft
P. 94

In my 30 year of consulting and living with Aura-Soma, the liquid embodiment of colour, I have found that the messages of the bottles, as depicted below, are quite profound, subtle and effective.
I have also been very fortunate to be like a spider in the web, as a distributor and course organiser of these beautiful oils. The feedback I received over the years from many people who have been educated and using Aura-Soma colour frequencies in their clinics, has enriched my experience as well. The many stories, tears and laughter that have reached me, have touched me deeply and opened my heart to the immense gentle loving power of colour vibrations and it’s ability to support change and well-being.
In my own clinic, people choose 4 bottles themselves and describe what they feel and experience while looking at their own selection. By allowing this process to happen and by supporting them to open up to what is hidden inside of them, usually an amazing silence and soul awareness flls the room. In my experience, this stillness/awareness allows consciousness to raise to an other level. Now the soul feels noticed, it can dance again and connect back the body in a slightly different way; awareness. This process is supported by using the Aura-Soma oils on the body, the most dense part of us, to stay connected to the 'new' soul consciousness.
The fact that the colour frequencies are gathered from the plant and crystal kingdoms on earth, and are empowered by pure sunlight, make these oils so very effective. When applied to the human body, we can easily absorb

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