Page 95 - The Power of Light, Colour and Sound for Health and Wellness draft
P. 95
them through the skin and so feed the human body a light energy of a very high quality.
I am still amazed about the fact that colour does not work the same for everyone. As far as I can see, there is not one colour for everything like yellow for headaches or pink for heartaches. The client’s own choice shows the colour frequencies that is best for him or her. The colour language is specifc for each individual.
There are, however, many beautiful attributes and meanings to each colour ray and especially to the colour combinations in the Aura-Soma bottles. They indicate possibilities and provide a source of information. The individual who connects to the rays/colours, has their own unique experience which is the key to heal, to feel supported and to become more conscious. The client can experience who they are in their fullest potential at that moment in time.
Colour invites us to acknowledge our own unique colour pattern and supports it. What colour do you like best????
The Aura-Soma system has a few rescue bottles. In those the bottom half colour is deep Magenta, the sacred darkness or womb. There all colour reside unseen. In the top half of the bottle, Clear/White, not belonging to this rescue set , all the colours are also unseen but present. Newton has showed us this with his prism.
Let me tell you this lovely story that Joan Hubrecht has told me:
“In the beginning, when light came to earth, the light started a loving dance with the sacred darkness (deep magenta) of earth and from both their children, the colours arose.”
Here we are now on this earth, with all the colours of the rainbow and all colours we can co-create from them; we hue-mans. Nowadays, light and even the sacred darkness is being analysed and discovered. A very promising and beautiful dawn awaits us when colour frequencies will be used and understood more consciously and when sacred darkness will also be honoured and seen in its full potential.
We hue-mans of ILA and other colour practitioners, are the rainbow warriors that will support and discover the endless possibilities of light and colour.
To move forward on this path of discovery we need integrity, love and a large dosis of positive curiosity. I wish this for all and that you keep attending the ILA conferences to support yourself and others with your wisdom.
Love and Light, Eva de Jong- Domhoff