Page 2 - Kingsmill Resort Current - Spring 2019
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New year. new rules.

              When the United States Golf Association (USGA)      ON THE GREEN | Players can now repair almost any damage on the green
              speaks, players listen. So when the Association     and get no penalties for touching the line of the putt or accidentally moving their
              announced their new Rules of Golf for 2019,         ball. And the flag? It’s your choice whether to putt with it in or out of the hole—
              everyone from scratch golfers to weekend warriors    no more “once it’s out, it’s out” rule.
              anxiously anticipated how these new rules would
              affect their game.                                  ACCIDENTS HAPPEN | Penalties have been removed for accidental deflections
                                                                  of a ball in motion or unintentionally double-hitting a ball (because nobody’s perfect).
              Well, here’s the good news—Matthew Schulze,         PICKING UP THE PACE  | Many of the new rules have been written to
              our Director of Golf, says you don’t need to worry.   advance the pace of play—including reduced time to find a lost ball, the ability to
              “The new rules have been designed to relax          play out of turn (excluding match play) and allowing more areas to be marked as
              requirements and reduce penalties. This positive    penalty areas.
              impact will be felt the most on challenging courses,
              like our own River Course.”                         Schulze sums it up best, saying, “Ultimately, the new Rules of Golf have been
                                                                  simplified so they’re less intimidating and make the game more accessible—
              Let’s take a deeper dive into a few of the biggest gains.  and more fun—for all players.”

                                   Want to have even more fun with your game this spring? Explore our value-added packages
                                            that bundle your golf rounds, accommodations, breakfast and more.

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