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                                                                 WILLIAM & MARY

                                                                 SPRING OPEN



            MARCH 28-29, 2020
            9:00 AM - 4:00 PM


            WILLIAMSBURG, VA


           American University                  Penn State University
           Catholic University of America       University of Maryland
           Drexel University                    University of Maryland Baltimore County
           Gannon University                    University of Virginia
           Indiana University of Pennsylvania   Virginia Tech
           Monmouth University                  William & Mary

            L o d g i n g   &   D i n i n g   O p t i o n s   D u r i n g   t h e   E v e n t

           KINGSMILL                           THE                                JAMES LANDING

           RESORT                              MILL                               GRILLE

           Offering guest rooms, 1-3 bedroom   Casual cafe serving coffee,        Enjoy locally-sourced cuisine
           condos and cottages on an exclusive  espresso, grab & go breakfast     including seafood and oysters on
           waterfront setting. Enjoy endless   sandwiches, homemade pastries,     the half shell all while overlooking
           recreation and relaxation with      lunch sandwiches and homemade      the Kingsmill Marina and James
           golf, spa services, tennis, dining,  gelato. Opens at 7:00 AM.         River. Opens at 5 PM. Sunday
           complimentary wi-fi and more.                                          brunch at 11 AM.

                      R e s e r v e   y o u r   s t a y ,   c a l l   8 0 0 . 8 3 2 . 5 6 6 5   o r   v i s i t   k i n g s m i l l . c o m
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