Page 3 - Kingsmill-Current-SprSum-Ed-2018
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(yes, really!)

                              As the weather gets warmer and kiddos everywhere dream of summer vacation, it's the perfect time
                             for you to go back to school by learning a new sport or pushing your skills further at Kingsmill Resort.

              ADULT TENNIS CAMP                         THE GOLF ACADEMY                           THE FITNESS CENTER
              Camp isn't just for kids anymore. All spring    Ever hear that famous Arnold Palmer quote?   Kingsmill guests have no excuse not to get
              and summer long, Kingsmill hosts two-day tennis   "It's a funny thing. The more I practice, the   their sweat on, with complimentary access
              camps featuring four hours of instruction by the   luckier I get." Improve your "luck" on the   to the resort's Fitness Center. Need more
              resort pros (now under the direction of Tomas   greens this season when you go back to   motivation? Join a free class. (They're offered
              Gonzalez, see facing page for story), plus target   school at Kingsmill's prestigious Golf Academy,   nearly every day of the week!) From cardio
              contests, ball machine use and more, just for   led by Chris George, PGA, who was ranked    workouts in the pool to intense spinning
              adults. Not the happy camper type? The Kingsmill   by Golf Digest as the #1 instructor in Virginia.   sessions to a cycling and strength training
              Tennis Academy also serves up Stroke of the Day   From multi-day programs to private lessons,   combo class, you can learn from top trainers
              Clinics and a matchmaking service to get your   see what the pros can do to help your game   as you begin your journey to become a gold
              game to the next level. (Love!)           score an A+.                               star fitness student.

                  It's never too late to go back to school. Book your Kingsmill getaway today to get started on these valuable life lessons.

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