Page 3 - Kingsmill Resort Information During Your Stay
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Individually controlled heating and air conditioning Kingsmill Kid’s Camp is located adjacent to the
thermostats are located in each guestroom and Tennis Club and offers a variety of seasonal
condominium. children’s programs. Please contact the Sports Club
for more information. Dial 8200.
Many major airlines have direct flights into Norfolk CONCIERGE
and Richmond International Airports. Both are The Resort Concierge is ready to assist you with dining
approximately 45-60 minutes from Kingsmill. The suggestions and reservations, area attractions, maps
Newport News/Williamsburg Airport is 20 minutes and directions, as well as any special requests you
away and offers direct flights to many major cities in may have. The Resort Concierge Desk is located in
the Mid-Atlantic region. the lobby of the Resort Center. Dial 1390.
The Resort Concierge will be happy to assist you. DRY CLEANING/LAUNDRY
Please provide a minimum of 24 hours advance Same-day service is available Monday – Saturday.
notice. Dial 1390. Contact the Front Desk prior to 9:00 a.m. for return
by 5:00 p.m. Please use the bag supplied in your
BAGGAGE SERVICE closet and list all contents on the valet slip provided
For pickup and storage, contact the Hotel Operator. with it. Dial 0.
Dial 0.
BIKE RENTAL Sending and receiving services are available at the
Bicycles are available for children and adults, and Conference Concierge Desk on the second floor of
are located adjacent to The Mill. Helmets and baby the Resort Center. Inbound guest faxes should be
carriers are also available. Contact the Kingsmill directed to 757.253.8246.
Tennis Club. Dial 3945.
BUSINESS CENTER Most condominiums feature a wood-burning
For your convenience, Kingsmill Resort offers fireplace. Firewood is available from November
business services, including photocopying, document through March, between noon and 9 p.m. Daily
printing, notary public, package handling, courier fee may apply. For safety purposes, our staff
service, fax transmittal and receipt and audiovisual must prepare and ignite your fire. Dial 0. Outdoor
equipment rental. Please direct in-bound guest temperature must be below 60° F.
faxes to 757.253.8246. For assistance, contact the
Conference Concierge. Dial 1388. FIRE SAFETY
All accommodations at Kìngsmill Resort are equipped
CAR RENTAL with smoke detectors. Please familiarize yourself
The Resort Concierge will assist you in arranging car with the location of the fire exit nearest to your room
rentals to be picked up and dropped off at Kingsmill. and read the instructions on the following page.
Dial 1390.
Check-in is 4:00 p.m. Check-out is 11:00 a.m. If you
anticipate a delay in your departure, please call the
Front Desk. Dial 1200.