Page 68 - Course Catalog 2022-2023
P. 68


               Explorations in                                    circulatory, lymphatic, integumentary,
               Engineering                                        digestive, respiratory, urinary and
                                                                  reproductive systems.  Disease, medical
               Grades 11-12                                       technology, and current research will be
               Course Number 444                                  highlighted throughout the year.  Dissections
               Full Year Course – 1 advanced science credit

               Prerequisite:  9 Physical Science, 10 Biology, and   are an integral part of the course.
                 Mathematics 2
               Estimated Fee:  $24.00
               Recommended For:  College Bound/Technical          Human Anatomy and
                                                                  Physiology with
               This course will intensely explore a variety
               of engineering topics using a project-based        Plyometrics and
               approach. Using real-world design                  Conditioning (P.A.C.) 11-12
               challenges, students will explore the design       Grades 11-12
               process from start to finish, along with           Course Number CC453
               gaining experience in 3D modeling                  Full Year Course - 1 advanced science credit
               and using fabrication tools such as 3D             Prerequisite: C or better in Biology Lab and
               printers, laser cutters, and construction tools.     Completion of the Physical Education Graduation
               This course will also be integrating               Estimated Fee:  $50.00
               knowledge of robotics, coding, and AI to           Recommended For: College Bound/Medical Field
               successfully design, program, and complete
               robotics challenges using FIRST Robotics           Human Anatomy and Physiology is also
               curriculum and builds. Students may use this       offered as a cross-curricular course with
               course to build competency for joining the         P.A.C 11-12
               Robotics Club.
               This course is intended to be taken                The P.A.C. 11-12 is an elective semester
               concurrently with another science course.          course offered to varsity athletes seriously
                                                                  interested in strength training and
                                                                  plyometrics.  This course can be used as an
               Human Anatomy and                                  elective class.  The course will offer an
                                                                  intense workout for males and females who
               Physiology                                         are extremely dedicated to becoming faster

               Grades 11-12                                       and stronger to improve their athletic
               Course Number 453                                  performance.  The course will offer
               Full Year Course - 1 advanced science credit       programs for off-season and in-season
               Prerequisite: C or better in Biology Lab
               Estimated Fee:  $35.00                             conditioning. Students will strength train
               Recommended For: College Bound/Medical Field       three times per week.  Each student will be
                                                                  pre-tested, have a mid-term test and a post-
               The human body is truly incredible.  To            term test at the conclusion of the program.
               deepen student understanding of the human          This course would be excellent for those
               body Anatomy and Physiology is a year-             athletes who are involved in more than a
               long course that investigates the human            varsity sport.
               body’s structure and its functions.  The
               course will examine the structure and              The  curriculum  in  these  courses  will  be
               function of major body systems including           combined  to  draw  natural  connections
               the skeletal, muscular, nervous, endocrine,        throughout the year.

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