Page 31 - Course Selection Guide 2021-2022
P. 31

LATIN II (423)
Year 1 Credit Grades 10, 11, 12
Req: Successful completion of Latin I
This course continues with the foundation of the basic reading and writing skills established in Latin I through a complete systematic review of the vocabulary, grammar, and syntax at the start of the course. Continued readings cover ancient Roman family and city life, food and dining, slavery, education, chariot racing, entertainment and sea travel. Further readings develop Roman social-cultural life, which creates a deeper understanding and appreciation for the values of the ancient Roman Imperial civilization and its influence on the modern Western World. Roman literature in prose is introduced through selected works by Livy, Caesar, and Pliny. There is an emphasis upon Latin-English vocabulary derivation in preparation for the SAT, ACT, and other standardized tests. The National Latin Exam is offered annually.
Year 1 Credit Grades 11, 12 Req: Successful completion of Latin II and teacher approval
Latin III provides the practical usage of the reading and writing skills developed in Latin I and II. A complete vocabulary- grammar review is presented at the start of the course. Review readings cover ancient Roman family life, technological bathing establishments, famous myths and legends, gladiatorial entertainment and social conventions. Further readings in Latin prose cover the civilization and culture of the late Roman Republican period focusing upon ancient-modern ideas and issues of government, law, politics and history. Roman writers of the late Republic cover history by Caesar and Sallust, oratory and speeches by Cicero and letters by Pliny. The National Latin Exam is offered annually.
Latin III Honors students will be expected to complete more reading-translative passages as well as develop more critical thinking skills in reading comprehension in the content area of Roman history and oratory.
Year 1 Credit Grade 12 Req: Successful completion of Latin III and teacher approval
This course is based on Vergil's Aeneid, the literary epic of the Roman Empire. Students are introduced to the conventions of epic poetry and its influence upon later European and Western literature. A Latin version of Homer's “Iliad” establishes a grammar review and content background at the beginning of the course. Classical drama units are studied, based upon tragedies of Euripedes and comedies of Plautus and Terence.
Archaeology, mythology, history and philosophy are incorporated into the course content. The National Latin Exam is offered annually.
Latin IV Honors students will be expected to complete more reading-translative passages as well as develop literary appreciation skills in reading comprehension in the content area of Latin epic poetry and drama.
Year 1 Credit Grade 9, 10, 11, 12
This beginning course introduces students to the four basic skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing in Spanish through methods that provide maximum learning on the part of the student. Class will be conducted for the most part in Spanish and students will learn to respond and converse in Spanish using basic vocabulary and grammatical structures. Information about the discovery of the New World and the Aztec, Incan and Mayan civilizations is introduced. CDs, videos and a workbook are used to supplement the text.
SPANISH IA (416) 1 Credit Grade 10
Y ear
Req: Admission to this course is based upon the recommendations of the Foreign Language Department, School Psychologist, and Administration.

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