Page 6 - ViiSana B2B Brochure
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                   EMPLOYEES CAN LOOK

                   FORWARD TO

                   Healthy employees aren’t just more productive – they’re also less

                   likely to make claims. That’s why we look after them so well with a

                   comprehensive benefit package. Together Vitality and ViiSana cover
                   everything, from helping your employees understand their health

                   (making it cheaper and easier to get healthy) to giving them incentives

                   to stay motivated. The more we offer your staff, the healthier they
                   are – and the better they’ll perform at work. It’s good for everyone.

                   VIISANA’S ADDITIONAL

                   PARTNERS & REWARDS

                   1  Personalised nutrition support   3  Contribution to wearable tech   5  Complimentary access to a
                    via our MyOnlineCLINIC tool   for every employee covered –   wide range of discounts and
                    developed in partnership      either in the form of cashback,   offers from our partners Perks
                    with leading clinical nutrition   or by contribution to a   of my Job.
                    specialists – Igennus.        wellness fund.

                   2  Access to ViiSana’s Business   4  Company-wide ‘employee energy
                    Partner programme - offering   and wellness measurement’,
                    your business and your employees   to monitor and track the health
                    discounts on a range of services.  improvements made
                                                  by employees.

                    CALL TODAY 0333 772 0761 TO FIND
                    OUT HOW WE CAN BUILD A BESPOKE
                    PACKAGE FOR YOUR BUSINESS

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