Page 31 - Diving In India Demo
P. 31
39. Whale shark
41. Manta Rays
42. Fan Coral
• Interes3ng facts about the dive sites
Divers can see lots of natural corals. Chances of encountering manta rays and whale sharks are higher than other areas of Pondicherry. So far only 3 km of the wall has been explored and mapped. This place s3ll holds many mysteries and is yet to be thoroughly inves3gated by divers.
11.Table Top:
• Intro & History
Tabletop, as the name suggests is a rela3vely flat deep site that is covered in fan corals, hard corals and whip corals. S3ll widely unexplored, this dive site holds marine life which is quite unique. This is also part of the much bigger dive site by name Aravind’s Wall and was discovered when the Temple Dive Team was trying to map the en3re stretch of the Wall. As this site is preOy much flat and looks like a projected layer of land from the sea boOom, it has been named “Table Top”.
• Features
Flat rocky boOom with Table coral life spread across rocky areas. Divers can also witness a few sandy pitches here and there.
• Suitable level for divers
Fun divers (Advanced Open water cer3fied with deep speciality and up)
• Depth
35 meters max depth
• General Fish life (rated 1-5)
Groupers, Snappers, Barracudas, Sea breams, Jacks, Trevallies, Sea snakes, Emperor fish Ra3ng - 3
• Coral (rated 1-5) Fan corals, whip corals Ra3ng - 3
• Currents