Page 45 - Diving In India Demo
P. 45

 Founda3on. Now running autonomously, TRF trains interns in conserva3on work, researches and monitors reef-building ac3vi3es and fish life plus breeding programs, working closely with local fishermen to benefit our society at all levels.
With so many divers being cer3fied, this of course required in-house, domes3c, instructor level, based training. Rob designed courses and training which operate na3onwide in defence, commercial, and sports sectors. This is all arranged and creates jobs for India's youth, and training in regional languages, facilita3ng many more stars to arise.
Always one for a challenge, Rob founded new diving areas of the country aier extensive research and ac3ve days checking poten3al regions for the right spots to show off what the underwater world is all about in the Indian mainland.
No3cing a lack of support in a fledgeling industry, Rob created a network of supply of interna3onal standard equipment which enabled many new operators to open up and begin also providing SCUBA diving services. This, of course, requires building a service team to assist the en3re trade water sports sector, who make sure the equipment can be maintained and tuned perfectly as necessary to give customers the best gear, every dive. His exclusive current brand associa3ons are Scubapro, Bauer, X-Deep, Pandora, De-Ox, and Sharkskin.
Currently, Rob resides in Pondicherry with his Maharashtrian wife and two sons and con3nues delving into exci3ng and cukng-edge future projects with his core team and friends around India. He can always be contacted via an email (with his name as a reference) to

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