Page 2 - New Empire Affinitas Life Senior Housing Division
P. 2
To: Bentley Zhao, Chairman & CEO New Empire
F. Anthony Santiago, MBA Fr: Anthony Santiago, Chairman & CEO Affi nitas Life
Founder &
Chief Executive Offi cer Da: November 17, 2017
Re: New Empire Affi nitas Life Senior Living Materials for New Partnership
Richard G. Winkler, Esq.
General Counsel
Attached is a booklet we have put together that focuses our attention on completing
Wayne J. Sadin, MS
Chief Operating Offi cer & the formation of our partnership and the assembly of next steps to get us out to the
Chief Technology Offi cer market to monetize our new company.
Richard D. Russell,
MBA, CPA, CGMA Table of Contents
Chief Financial Offi cer
Th omas J. Flitsch, Section Topic Page
Chief Development Offi cer To-Do List 4
Lewis J. Gordon, CHA Legal 6
Chief Hospitality Offi cer
Kathleen Wentworth Memorandum from our counsel to you to assist in formalizing 8
Chief of Staff
our relationship
Richard Restiano Joint Venture Agreement 10
Director of Operations
& Strategic Alliances Operating Agreement for New Empire Affi nitas Life 26
Development Group, LLC
Branding 58
ADVISORY BOARD Sample Press Release with arranged interview 60
Logo samples with our suggestion for a new branding name — 62
Blair Minton, RN
New Life – Senior Living, a Division of New Empire Affi nitas
Steven Fuller, PhD, DO Life Development Group
John Lombardi, CPA, MBA Fiscal 64
Steve Panyko, MS Senior Housing Samples - Operating Proforma from the 66
Second Largest Independent Living Publicly Traded REIT
Nick van Terheyden, MD
Reinventing Past
Notions of Retirement
Main Offi ce
370 Lexington Avenue, Suite 410 ◆ New York, NY 10017
Offi ce: 877.416.5326 ◆ www.affi