Page 8 - New Empire Affinitas Life Senior Housing Division
P. 8
EXECUTIVES To: Bentley Zhao, Chairman & CEO New Empire
F. Anthony Santiago, MBA Fr: Richard Winkler, General Counsel – Affi nitas Life
Founder & Da: November 17, 2017
Chief Executive Offi cer
Re: Utilization of Counsel and Legal Service Considerations
Richard G. Winkler, Esq. Cc: Anthony Santiago, Chairman & CEO Affi nitas Life
General Counsel
Wayne J. Sadin, MS Mr. Zhao:
Chief Operating Offi cer &
Chief Technology Offi cer
As we embark on the solidifi cation of a strategic partnership between New Empire
Richard D. Russell,
MBA, CPA, CGMA Development Group and Affi nitas Life, I thought it might be appropriate to reach out to
Chief Financial Offi cer you to give you some food for thought as well as some peace of mind when it comes to
Th omas J. Flitsch, the legal work that may be required immediately and down the road as our relationship
AIA, MBA maturates.
Chief Development Offi cer
Lewis J. Gordon, CHA First and foremost, I am happy to work with whomever you may choose to review and
Chief Hospitality Offi cer
consult on your behalf. If there is a singular person or fi rm that you would prefer that I
Kathleen Wentworth speak with, please advise and I will make contact with them directly. I can provide them
Chief of Staff
with WORD format documents for the Joint Venture Agreement and the Operating
Richard Restiano Agreement for New Empire Affi nitas Life Development Company, LLC for ease of
Director of Operations
& Strategic Alliances editing.
Secondly, whether you have in-house General Counsel or prefer for me to work with
outside law fi rms that you frequently engage, my approach is no diff erent. I am a business
ADVISORY BOARD lawyer and my focus is always the same; get the deal done. I believe in fairness and
Blair Minton, RN reasonableness and have spent over 30 years fi nding workable and practical solutions
to diffi cult problems.
Steven Fuller, PhD, DO
John Lombardi, CPA, MBA Because of my prior Experience as General Counsel to Equivest Finance, Inc., a
Steve Panyko, MS public Company (reporting to Richard C. Breeden, the former Chairman of the SEC),
I understand what it means to limit legal costs and get things done as quickly and
Nick van Terheyden, MD
effi ciently as possible. I have a particular sensitivity to only utilizing counsel when
necessary and limiting the running of the meter. That is all part and parcel of my job with
Re-LIFE-Ment: Affi nitas and I will provide whatever legal and business counsel that you and Anthony
Reinventing Past may seek for this new venture that conforms to this core business philosophy. By way
Notions of Retirement
of example, below are a few things that I continually keep in mind for the benefi t of
any company under my care when it comes to incurring costs for legal expenditures:
Main Offi ce
370 Lexington Avenue, Suite 410 ◆ New York, NY 10017
Offi ce: 877.416.5326 ◆ www.affi