Page 7 - The Confidential
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                                                               Our expert panel have been formed to help ensure
                                                               that CallConfidential have the expertise in working
                                                               with those industries that we will be offering our
                                                               service to and in helping contribute to robust
                                                               and informed company responses.  Whilst our
                                                               customers will drive these responses, our experts at
                                                               CallConfidential will help provide that other opinion
                                                               and ensure the response is proportionate and
                                                               appropriate to the risk it poses.

                                                               Collectively, our panel will meet and bring together
                                                               a wealth of experience and knowledge that will help
                                                               establish CallConfidential’s credible competence
                                                               and ability to analyse both industry sector trends as
                                                               well as those indicators within a single organisation.

                 Paul Richards                     Lorna McDonald                        Richard Bell
                  Business Expert               Police, Rail, Counter-Terrorism            Rail, Systems
          “I have been involved in supporting   “I am looking forward to working with   “It is a privilege to be part of this
            CallConfidential from the early   like-minded industry experts with    extraordinary expert panel, and
          stages, helping to develop financial,   CallConfidential and contributing to   I firmly believe that between us,
          sales, marketing and management    making its members a better place to   we can ensure CallConfidential
             strategies. It has been a very              work in”                 brings significant value to a range
            enjoyable process, allowing me                                          of organisations across a broad
           to introduce my experience from                                              industry spectrum”.
           other sectors and hopefully help
            CallConfidential to grow as an
           effective, efficient and customer
                focussed enterprise.”

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