Page 147 - The Rapture Question by John F. Walvoord
P. 147

The Rapture Question: Revised and Enlarged Edition
                to see the commencement of the seventh vial. DURING THE
                    In the light of this statement, how could anyone assert
                that Irving was a pretribulationist? It is also worthy of note
                 that this statement came a year after he was supposedly the
                 recipient of the pretribulational Rapture. MacPherson’s con­
                 tention that Irving was a pretribulationist has by his own
                 research demonstrated exactly the opposite.
                    Margaret MacDonald, likewise, left behind no clear rec­
                 ord that she ever held to a pretribulational Rapture. It is
                 possible from some of her statements to arrive at the conclu­
                 sion that she was garbled in her view of prophecy and could
                 possibly be identified with the partial rapture view. None of
                 her statements, however, placed the Rapture before the
                 Tribulation begins. At best, it can be demonstrated that the
                 Rapture would be included in the series of events that climax
                 the Great Tribulation.
                    Fourth, the allegation of MacPherson and many others
                 that Darby derived his views from either Irving or Mac­
                 Donald is not supported by anv factual evidence. Obviously, if
                 they were not prctribulationists. how could Darby get his
                 views from them? Even if they were prctribulationists, there is
                 no proof linking the two. except that they both lived about the
                 same time.
                    Fifth, Darby was an extensive writer and a most effective
                 Bible teacher and evangelist, leading hundreds of people to
                 Christ. In his many works, any careful student of Darby soon
                 discovers that he achieved his eschatological views from the
                 study of the Bible itself and from his conclusion that
                 the church is the body of Christ rather than having derived it
                 from some human source. Darby’s views were only gradually
                 formed, but they are based on the Bible and his doctrinal
                    Under the circumstances, it would seem that common
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