Page 230 - The Rapture Question by John F. Walvoord
P. 230

The Rapture in 2 Thessalonians
    here. If the Thessalonians had been taught posttribu-
    lationism, the beginning of the day of the Lord would have
    been to them evidence that the Rapture was drawing near
    and should have caused rejoicing. Instead of this, the be­
    ginning of the day of the Lord apparently created a panic in
    their midst, with the implication that before the false teachers
    had come they had understood that they would not enter this
       Paul continued, “Don’t let anyone deceive you in any
    way, for [that day will not come] until the rebellion occurs and
    the man of lawlessness is revealed, the man doomed to de­
    struction. He opposes and exalts himself over everything that
    is called God or is worshiped, and even sets himself up in
    God’s temple, proclaiming himself to be God. Don’t you re­
    member that when I was with you I used to tell you these
    things?” (w. 3-5).
       Paul asserted here that the Thessalonians were wrong in
    thinking that they were already in the day of the Lord because
    there was a total lack of evidence for it. Two main evidences
    are mentioned: first, what the King James Version calls “a
    falling away” (“the rebellion” Niv); second, that “the man of
    lawlessness” (niv) or the “man of sin” (kjv) has not been
    revealed. Both of these would be necessary before the day of
    the Lord could really “come.”
       The word translated “a falling away” or “the rebellion”
    is the Greek apostasia, from which the English word apostasy is
    derived. Some debate has arisen as to the exact meaning of
    this word, which could also be rendered “the departure.”
    E. Schuyler English and others have suggested that the word
    means literally “departure and refers to the rapture itself.”5 If
    this interpretation be followed, it would make explicit the
    Rapture as occurring before the man of sin is revealed, and it
    is understandable that posttribulationists would attempt to
    refute this argument.
       Gundry argued at length against this interpretation,
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