Page 270 - The Rapture Question by John F. Walvoord
P. 270
■’Marcus Dods, The Expositor’s Greek Testament, 1:822.
“Robert H. Gundr)’, The Church and the Tribulation, pp. 152-55.
Chapter 7
'Charles J. Ellicott, A Critical and Grammatical Commentary on St.
Paul's Epistles to the Thessalonians, p. 122.
’Ibid., pp. 122-23.
“Ibid., p. 123.
“Henry C. Thiessen, “Will the Church Pass Through the
Tribulation?” Bibliotheca Sacra, 92 (July-September 1935):301.
“Robert H. Gundry, The Church and the Tribulation, pp. 122-28.
Chapter 8
*Cf. L. S. Chafer, Systematic Theology, 4:404-6; E. Schuyler Eng
lish, Re-Thinking the Rapture, pp. 81-84.
’According to the King James Version of Revelation 5:9-10, the
twenty-four elders arc described as redeemed by the blood of Christ
and made kings and priests. This would unmistakably identify them
as saints and in all probability the church in particular. In the text
adopted for most modern translations and versions of the Bible, the
“us” of verse 9 is removed, and the “us” of verse 10 is made “them.”
This would make it possible to identify the elders as angels rather
than men. Scholars are divided on the issue. Kelly declared the
elders are the church. “They arc clearly saints and at home in
glory,” a conclusion that he stated “few will deny” (Lectures on the
Book of Revelation, p. 98). James Moffatt in the Expositor’s Greek Testa
ment (5:378) identified the elders as angels and appealed to mythol
ogy for support. The interpretation ultimately rests on exegesis as
the revised text leaves the question open. Many considerations
would point to identification with the church. For further discussion
cf. E. Schuyler English, Re-Thinking the Rapture, pp. 92-98.
’George E. Ladd, The Blessed Hope, p. 103.
“Alexander Reese, The Approaching Advent of Christ.