Page 75 - The Rapture Question by John F. Walvoord
P. 75

Thf Rapture Question: Revised and Enlarged Edition

                   The Holy Spirit as the Restrainer of Sin

                Just as Christ was omnipresent in the Old Testament,
             incarnate and present in the world in the Gospels, and re­
             turned to heaven in the Aets, so the Holy Spirit, after His
             period of ministry on the earth in the present age, will return
             to heaven. The chief proof text concerning the return of the
             Holy Spirit to heaven is found in 2 Thessalonians 2:6-8, in
             connection with the revelation of the coming lawless one, de­
             scribed as “the man of sin” and “the son of perdition” (KJV).
             This character is usually identified with the coming Antichrist
             or world ruler of the tribulation period. The passage of Scrip­
             ture dealing with this subject states that the man of sin cannot
             be revealed until the restrainer is “taken out of the way.” But
             who is the restrainer?
                Expositors of all classes have had a field day in attempt­
             ing to identify this restrainer. Ellicott cited Schott as suggest­
             ing Paul himself.1 As another suggestion, Ellicott referred to
             Wieseler who identified it as a collection of the saints at Jeru­
             salem.2 Still more “plausible,” according to Ellicott, is that it
             refers to “the succession of Roman emperors,” which he
             traced to Wordsworth.3 His final suggestion, which he
             thought was best, was that it was merely a “personification”
             of "what was previously expressed by the more abstract to
                Thiessen noted that a popular view is one that identifies
             the restrainer with the Roman Empire.5 Thiessen stated,
             “Denney, Findlay, Alford. Moffatt, hold that this refers to law
             and order, especially embodied in the Roman Empire.”6
             Another suggestion given by Thiessen, but discarded, is that
             of Mrs. George C. Needham, who identified the restrainer as
             Satan himself.7
                All these suggestions break down upon careful examina­
             tion, however. If students of prophecy are correct that a revi-

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