Page 40 - Mesenchymal Stem Cell-Derived Exosomes as an Emerging Paradigm for Regenerative Therapy and Nano-Medicine
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Li et al. Stem Cell Research & Therapy          (2019) 10:278                           Page 3 of 10

            ionophores [40]. Aside from immune cell-derived exo-  from B cells to SGECs. This functional miRNA targeted
            somes, exosomes secreted by nonimmune cells such as  aquaporin 5 (AQP5) and stromal interacting molecule 1
            tumor and mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have gained  (STIM1), which could significantly impact salivary secre-
            great attention in recent years. Tumor-cell-derived exo-  tion. However, the authors did not mention the effect on
            somes can travel to the draining lymph node, where they  the function of LGs [52].
            inhibit T cell activation by presenting programmed  The LGs are primarily responsible for the aqueous
            death-ligand 1 (PD-L1) and thus promote tumor pro-  layer of the tear film. LG dysfunction is mainly due to
            gression [41]. Mesenchymal stem cells-derived exosomes  the infiltration of immune cells [75]. Our research team
            (MSC-Exos) have been shown to enhance the differenti-  has verified that MSC administration efficiently allevi-
            ation of immunosuppressive cells such as M2 macro-  ated induced autoimmune dacryoadenitis in rabbit
            phages and Tregs, or inhibit proliferation of natural  models, which closely mimic human SS [76]. It is noted
            killer cells or T lymphocytes [42]. For instance, Zhao et  that MSC-Exos mediate the immunosuppressive effects
            al. discovered that mouse bone marrow-derived MSC-  of their parent cells and are deemed as promising surro-
            Exos modulated macrophage polarization by transferring  gates for MSC-based therapy [33]. Ongoing studies in
            miR-182, which targeted TLR4/NF-κB/PI3K/Akt signal-  our laboratory recently demonstrated that subconjunc-
            ing [43]. More attractively, several studies proposed that  tivally administered MSC-Exos efficiently improved clin-
            inflammatory stimulation increased secretion of MSC-  ical evaluations and diminished the inflammation in
            Exos and even enhanced their anti-inflammatory and  lacrimal glands of diseased rabbits, compared with those
            immunosuppressive properties [44–46]. However, al-  treated with saline. The therapeutic effects may partially
            though exosomes possess versatile biological functions  be ascribed to their modulatory effects on lacrimal
            including immunomodulation [47], pro-regeneration  macrophage polarization and enhancement of Treg and
            [48], anti-inflammation [49], and tumor growth regula-  Th2 responses via targeting NF-kB signaling. Therefore,
            tion [50] (Table 1), the field of exosome research in eye  MSC-Exos presumably provide a very promising cell-free
            diseases currently remains relatively less explored.  therapy for SS dry eye. In addition, the role of exosomes
                                                              in interactions between lymphocytes and LG epithelial
            Exosomes in immune-mediated eye diseases          cells remains unexplored, calling for extensive research.
            Sjögren’s syndrome (SS) dry eye
            Sjögren’s syndrome (SS), a multisystem autoimmune dis-  Corneal allograft rejection
            ease, is characterized by lymphocytic infiltration in salivary  Corneal transplantation is the most prevalently performed
            and lacrimal glands (LGs) and the presence of various auto-  type of tissue grafting globally. To enhance corneal graft
            antibodies (such as anti-Ro(SS-A) or anti-La(SS-B)), result-  survival, considerable efforts have been devoted to build-
            ing in oral and ocular dryness [67, 68]. This condition leads  ing effective strategies [77]. Although cornea as an avascu-
            to one of the most severe subtypes of dry eye diseases [20].  lar transparent tissue enjoys the relative privilege of
            Activation of both innate and adaptive immune pathways,  immunity, the major cause of corneal graft failure re-
            such as interferon (IFN) signatures, B cell activating factor  ported is allogeneic rejection, which is ascribed to the
            (BAFF)/BAFF receptor axis, and NF-kB signaling, contrib-  adaptive immune response initiated through recognition
            utes to the pathogenesis of SS [69, 70].          of donor MHC antigens by recipient T cells after trans-
              Salivary gland epithelial cells (SGECs) in SS play active  plantation [78, 79]. EVs, including exosomes, released by
            roles in the autoimmune and inflammatory responses by  donor cells are partly responsible for this type of allore-
            virtue of the constitutive or inducible expression of diverse  cognition [80]. Howbeit, they also contribute to allograft
            immunoactive factors, such as BAFF, several Toll-like  tolerance under certain circumstances. It has been re-
            receptors (TLRs), and autoantigenic ribonucleoproteins  ported that EVs from a specific population of CD4 CD25 −
            (RNPs) [71, 72]. Lymphocytic infiltrates consisting primar-  Tregs generated in vitro could prolong kidney allograft
            ily of CD4 T cells and B cells occur proximally to and  survival, which was mediated by their unique cargo, spe-
            frequently invade epithelial cells [73, 74], suggesting the  cific miRNAs, and inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS)
            interaction between epithelial and immune cells. One pre-  enzyme [53]. Moreover, MSC-Exos loaded with specific
            vious study demonstrated that the autoantigenic Ro/SS-A,  small RNAs successfully improved islet transplantation
            La/SS-B, and Sm RNPs were present in exosomes which  [54]. These encouraging results suggest that exosomes
            were released continuously by SGECs, indicating that  from specific immunosuppressive cell populations serve as
            intracellular autoantigens were transferred to autoreactive  a potentially effective tool to promote immune tolerance
            lymphocytes via RNP-containing exosomes. However, this  in graft survivals such as corneal graft.
            release is not restricted to SS-derived cells [51]. Besides, as  For decades, severe global shortfall of donated human
            EBV typically infects B cells, one study proposed that  corneas has been an ongoing challenge that should not be
            EBV-miRBART13-3p could be transferred via exosomes  ignored [81]. To address this, new biomaterials, such as
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