Page 3 - The Nearest Exit - Palma
P. 3



 It rained the first day I was in Palma. I
 didn’t mind. I felt as though the wind
 and the rain were reflecting my inner
 strength and determination. I embraced
 the little drops of encouragement as
                      You build a new level of trust within
 I let them caress my skin, changing
                      yourself when you travel alone.
 the composition of my thoughts and
                      You have  no choice  but  to set aside
 calming my mind. The welcoming
                      the anxieties that you have been
 streets merged seamlessly with the
                      convincing  yourself for years  are the
 warmth of the people, softening the
                      things that make up who you are. You
 unconventional weather that befalls
                      find a new depth to yourself that you
 the sun soaked roads in winter.
                      can’t forget.
 “I am in the midst of my true life, I am
                      I never thought much about the fact       Christmas was the last thing on my
 most deeply myself…At times I feel as
                      that summer holidays had a smell,         mind  as  I walked  through  the  streets
 if I am spread out over the landscape
                      not until I got off the plane in Palma,   of Palma, permeated by the suns heat.
 and inside things, and am myself living
                      mid-December and it smelt of all my       This is, until a parade of people dressed
 in every tree, in the splashing of the
                      summer holidays rolled into one. The      as Santa whistled through the streets
 waves, in the clouds and the animals
                      hot tarmac and the thick, warm air        on motorbikes cheering and playing
 that come and go, in the procession
                      hugged all my senses. Familiarity in a    music. Later that evening, as I walked
 of the seasons.”
                      never before breached situation.          towards to taxi rank that would be
                                                                ready and waiting to whisk me away
 - Carl Jung
                                                                to the airport, I heard the faint sound
                                                                of ‘Despacito’ and sadly, it was that
                                                                which enticed me to check out the
                                                                grand performance that was taking
                                                                place in the local square. Hundreds of
                                                                Santa’s were all dancing in formation
                                                                to a variety of smash hit Spanish songs
                                                                and it warmed my heart. Standing up
                                                                on the wall with the other onlookers
                                                                with my slightly boozy smile beaming
                                                                almost as bright as the Christmas lights
                                                                that adorned the regimented palm
                                                                trees, I thought what a great way to
                                                                start the holidays.

 Words: Katie Lawton
 Photographs: Katie Lawton
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