Page 19 - March Newsletter
P. 19

The sea can be incredibly unforgiving   Alan  explained  ‘there  are  lots  of  fun   safety advice and help in our museums,
       and deserves great respect. Despite all   events and an active social side, covering   shops and offi  ces.
       of our very best eff orts not everyone can   nights out, mountain biking, kayaking &
       always be saved.                     snowboarding.                       If you would like to get involved as a
 Team   Alan explained...                   One of his favourite parts of being a and he will put you in
                                                                                volunteer drop Alan a mail on alan@

                                                                                contact with the right RNLI person.
                                            crew  member  is  being  winched  off   the
          “There have been many rescues where
                                            moving lifeboat into a helicopter and
       we have really made the diff erence and
                                            then lowered back down. It’s a real rush
       saved lives including lone experienced
 Spotlight  sailors through to families out in their   especially when the sea is a bit lumpy.
       new boats for the very fi rst time.  Making
                                            Alan was awarded the Queens Diamond
       the diff erence is incredibly satisfying”
                                            Jubilee medal for his service saving lives
       Sometimes the rescues are conducted in
                                            at sea and feels incredibly proud to have
       dangerous weather conditions, which are
       carried out in the safest way possible.  served in such a wonderful and rewarding
       The lifeboat station becomes a bit of   An amazing 95% of RNLI people are
       a second home as it is fi lled with like-  volunteers – this includes 4,800 lifeboat
       minded people who are there because   crew and more than 22,000 volunteer
       they want to be.  A special bond is   community fundraisers. We also have
       created with the crew you serve with on   volunteer lifeguards, and thousands more
       those challenging shouts.            volunteers who raise awareness, give

          Trees for


                                                  Andrew’s next challenge!

          Trees for Life                          Yep, he’s come up with another one!

          – 478 Trees                             Having completed two Ironman triathlons, one
 Newhaven’s  Severn class ALB   Alan Novis        marathon and cycled Lands End to John O’Groats in
 (All Weather Lifeboat)  (Lifeboat Crew)  Planted to date  the past four years Andrew needed a new challenge!
                                                  With swimming being his favoured sport apparently he’s
 Alan  Novis  is one of our client facing   Newhaven’s  Severn class ALB (All Weather   The RNLI team at Newhaven cover an   For 10 years Sussex Promotions has   had this challenge on his radar a little while!
 Account  Directors  here  at  Sussex   Lifeboat) is the largest of the current RNLI   area  from Rottingdean  to Belle Toute   been donating to the charity Trees for
 Promotions. As well as the day job Alan   fl eet being 17 metres long and just under   (near to Beachy Head). The lifeboat can   Life, later this year our 500th tree will   “I like an endurance challenge, it gives me a goal and
 is part of the RNLI team at Newhaven.   6 metres wide at the widest point.  be tasked to incidents outside of its area   be planted in our “Corporate Grove.”  the motivation to stay fi t through the course of the
 Alan has two volunteer roles as Search   when a multi lifeboat response is needed.  year.
 & Rescue Navigator and Lifeboat Press   The hull, decks and superstructure are   10 Years ago all the talk was of carbon
 Offi  cer.  built from fi bre reinforced composite (an   The Severn class lifeboat is an ‘All Weather   footprints & off sets, as a company we   Swimming 11 miles or 17kms however has me questioning
 epoxy resin matrix reinforced with glass   Lifeboat’. This means we will always   recognised our operations had a small   my sanity and how far I can push myself, but I guess
 We’ve asked Alan why he volunteers:  and Kevlar fi bres) combining strength   respond to an emergency regardless of   environmental impact and we wanted   that’s the point!”
 with  light  weight.  The  combination   how challenging the weather conditions   to make a positive contribution back
   “To be able to really make the diff erence   of buoyancy and weight distribution   are.
 and help people who are sometimes in   provided  by the  design  make her   to the environment and committed to
 real peril”  inherently self-righting.  Alan recalls a service for a man lost   planting 50 trees per annum.
 overboard. Newhaven lifeboat left the
 Although he is planning to hang up his   Weighing at just less than 45 tonnes, the   harbour at 1am with driving rain and over   Trees for life is a charity restoring
 wellies in the coming months and retire   Severn Class Lifeboat has a top speed   70mph south westerly winds. The shout   Scotland’s ancient Caledonian Forest,
 from the RNLI, we still think the team at   of 25 knots powered by her two massive   (call out) lasted over 9 hours. When the   restoring natural forests and rare
 Newhaven lifeboat will see plenty of him.  V10    MTU  diesel  engines.  Each  engine   lifeboat  returned  to Newhaven at just   wildlife to the Scottish Highlands, with
          over 1 Million trees planted to date
 produces approximately 1,600 bhp. The   after  10am  wind  speeds  were  still  over   “Only those who risk going too far can
 Founded in 1803 Newhaven Lifeboat   fuel capacity is 5,500 litres (1,200 gallons)  60mph. Unfortunately there was not a   it  is  well  on  the  way  to  securing  the   possibly know how far one can go!”
 Station is the oldest in the country, formed   giving a maximum range of 250 nautical   happy ending on this occasion  Caledonian Forest for generations to
 some 21 years before the Royal National   miles at full speed.  come.
 Lifeboat Institution.

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