Page 11 - My Utopia - Youth vs Climate change 2018
P. 11

Today  our  education  system  is  failing.  Most  We need teachers who are trained for this kind
    people  agree  that it’s outdated and lacks the  of  job.  Teachers  who  will  inspire,  provide  the
    ability to teach today’s youth how to properly react  necessary information and create a generation
    to climate change.  Education  is the beginning  of climate ambassadors. It’s not about preaching,
    of everything. People  often underestimate  the  it’s about empowering. More than ever, we need
    seriousness and urgency of  climate change,  innovative  teaching  approaches  to integrate
    because usually they  just  don’t know enough  climate change education in school.
    about it. Some of the eff orts to educate often lead  The  participants  stressed  the  importance  of
    to creating some kind of fear. Of course climate  science and evidence-based  work.  Young
    change is a scary thing; but can you expect them  people won’t be able to provide decent answers
    to know  how  to cope  up with  or mitigate  the  if they don’t even understand  how it all has
    consequences  this phenomenon is causing and
    yet to cause, if they have never been properly
    informed about them? Climate education  is a
    long-term  investment  that  requires  suffi  cient
    time and a correct approach. It is the only way
    to  guarantee a new generation of  conscious
    and capable leaders in order to ensure a better
    future. Because after all, they are the ones who
    will have to manage it.

    come to this. It is essential for them to not only
    understand the scientifi c background of climate
    change,  but also  understand  the impact  that  Tell them why they should ride their bikes and
    it  will  cause.  A  decent  education  leads  to  an  use public transport instead of using their cars.
    improved understanding, an encouragement to  Tell them why they should recycle. Tell them why
    change their behaviour and teaches them how  they shouldn’t just go around printing everything.
    to adapt to climate change-related events. Raise  Give a meaning to their actions instead of forcing
    awareness  within  schools.  Tell  young  people  them to do things. It is so incredibly important to
    why it is important to leave out meat in their diet.  make people aware.

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