Page 4 - My Utopia - Youth vs Climate change 2018
P. 4


                                            Alexander Meeus       changes in the summer of 2017? Some
                                                                   Have you all noticed the temperature

                                                                days would drench us with rain while
                                                              others would reach above 30 degrees
                                                             Celsius. While the hot summer days weren’t
                                                           a big issue for many, it still belongs to one of
                                                         the consequences climate change carries that
              Ergys Brocaj                             will impact future generations.

         Founder My Utopia                         Many people have tried to express their worry on

                                                 this problem in their own way. Whether it is done by
                                              posting a message on Facebook or discussing this with
                                           a friend over a cup of coff ee. They do it to elicit a sense
                                        of urgency to their peers and policy makers. It is clearly this
                                    sense of urgency that lacks in our society.

                            We could write pages full of reproaches, but talking without undertaking
                        anything is a waste of time and energy. Hence, my youth movement My
                    Utopia took a leading role to become active in this matter. We wanted to wake

               up our peers by asking the question ‘What can we do for a better climate?’. We
           wanted to organize our own climate conference. That is exactly what we did! After
        a few weeks of hard labour we staged our own climate change conference for today’s
        youth in Brussels. One thing was clear: we, youngsters are concerned about climate
        change. It bothers us. Approximately hundred people gathered and debated with one
        another. We searched for solutions to save our climate, and we managed to have our
        very own climate agreement, which you will be reading below.

        As a youth movement we didn’t only take this initiative to strengthen the youth’s voice in
        political debates, but we did it to show that we care about our climate. We want to prove
        that we can do more than just tweeting about it, that we can hold a constructive and
        sensible debate about it. We perceive organizations, policy makers and corporations
        as an ally in our fi ght for a better climate. It is our wish to get more involved in matters
        that will aff ect our future.

         Finally, I would like to thank the participants, the sponsors and my team, which consists
         of Asher, Charlotte, Stephanie and Anton.


              Ergys Brocaj               @BrocajErgys              Ergys Brocaj 

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