Page 16 - English Grammar and Composition-Student Textbook short
P. 16

C.  When your readers need a pause: Breaks between paragraphs function as a short "break" for your
                      readers—adding these in will help your writing be more readable. You would create a break if the
                      paragraph becomes too long or the material is complex.

                      D.  When you are ending your introduction or starting your conclusion: Your introductory and concluding
                      material should always be in a new paragraph. Many introductions and conclusions have multiple
                      paragraphs depending on their content, length, and the writer's purpose.

              Taken From:

                  Practice 4a: Defining Paragraphs

                  Read the following biography. The paragraph breaks have been left out purposely. Try to group the sentences
                  that are dealing with one subject. Below the biography, there is a place to show how you broke the reading
              selection up into paragraphs.

                                                  David Livingstone Biography
                                                 Explorer, Missionary (1813–1873)

              David Livingstone was born on March 19, 1813, in Blantyre, Scotland, and grew up with several siblings in a single
              tenement room. He started working at a cotton mill company as a child and would follow his long work schedule
              with schooling during evenings and weekends. He eventually studied medicine in Glasgow before going on to train
              with the London Missionary Society for a year. He completed his medical studies at various institutions in 1840 in
              London, England. In the official role of a "medical missionary," he set forth to Africa, arriving in Cape Town, South
              Africa in March of 1841. A few years later, he married Mary Moffat; the couple would have several children.
              Livingstone eventually made his way north and set out to trek across the Kalahari Desert. In 1849, he came upon
              Lake Ngami and, in 1851, the Zambezi River. Over the years, Livingstone continued his explorations, reaching the
              western coastal region of Luanda in 1853. In 1855, he came across another famous body of water, the Zambezi falls,
              called by native populations "Smoke That Thunders" and which Livingstone dubbed Victoria Falls, after Queen
              Victoria. By 1856, Livingstone had gone across the continent from west to east, arriving at the coastal region of
              Quelimane in what is present-day Mozambique. Upon his return to England, Livingstone received accolades and, in
              1857, published Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa. The following year, Livingstone was appointed
              by British authorities to lead an expedition that would navigate the Zambezi. The expedition did not fare well, with
              squabbling among the crew and the original boat having to be abandoned. Other bodies of water were discovered,
              though Livingstone's wife, Mary, would perish from fever upon returning to Africa in 1862. Livingstone returned to
              England again in 1864, speaking out against slavery, and the following year, published Narrative of an Expedition to
              the Zambesi and Its Tributaries. In this book, Livingstone also wrote about his use of quinine as a malarial remedy
              and theorized about the connection between malaria and mosquitoes. Livingstone undertook another expedition to
              Africa, landing at Zanzibar in early 1866 and going on to find more bodies of water, with the hope of locating the
              source of the Nile River. He eventually ended up in the village of Nyangwe, where he witnessed a devastating
              massacre where Arabic slave traders killed hundreds of people. With the explorer thought to be lost, a transatlantic
              venture was developed by the London Daily Telegraph and New York Herald, and journalist Henry Stanley was sent
              to Africa to find Livingstone. Stanley located the physician in Ujiji in late 1871, and upon seeing him, uttered the
              now-well-known words, "Dr. Livingstone, I presume?" Livingstone chose to stay, and he and Stanley parted ways in
              1872. Livingstone died from dysentery and malaria on May 1, 1873, at the age of 60, in Chief Chitambo's Village,
              near Lake Bangweulu, North Rhodesia (now Zambia). His body was eventually transported to and buried at
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