Page 53 - English Grammar and Composition-Student Textbook short
P. 53

Study Section 15:  The Writing Process

              15.1 Connect

              Good writing, especially writing for academic purposes, is rarely completed in one sitting. It takes planning and
                        careful editing to create a well-written paper, speech, or sermon. Remember that the goal is to
                        communicate what you want to say. This is not an easy task. The writing process gives the writer a
                        structure to follow, like a map, so the final destination is reached successfully.

                        15.2 The Writing Process

                       The writing process involves at least four stages:

                       1.  prewriting
                       2.  drafting
                       3.  revising

              4.  editing

              *Writers should go back and forth within these stages. For example, when drafting, the writer may have to change
              the order of something in the outline.


              Prewriting is everything you do before you write a draft of your document. It may include:
              1.  thinking

              2.  taking notes
              3.  talking to others

              4.  brainstorming
              5.  clustering

              6.  outlining

              7.  gathering information
                      a.  interviewing people
                      b.  researching in the library

                      c.  assessing data

              Many of the activities involved in prewriting will occur throughout the writing process. It is the most important
              part of the writing process. Most of the problems writers have can be solved during prewriting.

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