Page 124 - Homiletics I Student Textbook
P. 124

4.  The lecture method puts all the pressure on the teacher and his speaking skills.  A teacher might be a
               genius in his or her field yet not have great speaking or communication skills.  Using this method will
               actually denigrate the teacher’s knowledge of a subject to his speaking skills.

               Using the Lecture Method but overcoming the disadvantages.

               A teacher can utilize this method effectively by realizing the disadvantages and by incorporating other
               teaching methods within his lectures.  For example, he can use the lecture method to deliver a body of
               information, then stop and ask questions about the concepts and provide time for class discussions or
               answer questions.  He could stop the lecture, break the room into groups of 10, and pose a discussion
               question to be answered by each group choosing a spokesman who will respond in 10 minutes.  He
               could also break the lecture with a short video or audio presentation.

               The goal in incorporating secondary methods would be to bring the students into more action with the
               topic, to perk the interest of the audience, and create more two-way communication among the teacher
               and students.

                                   Jesus the Teacher

               Asking Questions

                          Probably a technique Jesus employed more than any method was asking questions.  He
                          would even answer a question with a question.  Here are just a few of the passages where
                          Jesus used questions as a means of teaching another person or group:

                          John 2:4 "Woman, why do you involve me?" Jesus replied. "My hour has not yet come."

                          Luke 5:23 “Which is easier: to say, 'Your sins are forgiven,' or to say, 'Get up and walk'?”

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