Page 22 - Homiletics I Student Textbook
P. 22

2.  Interpretation answers the question, “What does this mean?”

               Closely tied to the way a person seeks to interpret scripture is his exegetical method.  The more
               thorough one’s exegetical method, the more accurate his interpretation will be. A thorough exegetical
               method should include the following six steps.

                   Context Study

                           Study the historical-cultural context (anything outside of the text – the author, the
                           recipients, the time in history, the geographical, social, economic, political, and spiritual
                           setting, etc.) and the literary context (anything inside of the text – the general and
                           immediate context, the type of literature, etc.) to gain a better understanding of the time
                           and situation in which the author was writing.

                           If our interpretation would not have made sense back then, we are probably on the wrong
                           track…We must first determine what a text meant “in their town” before we can determine
                           what it means and how we should apply that meaning to our time and culture.

                           When it comes to interpreting and applying the Bible, context is crucial. In fact, we
                           would go so far as to say that the most important principle of biblical interpretation
                           is that context determines meaning.

                   Word Possibilities

                           Study the possible meanings of each word in their original context and language with the
                           use of a concordance or lexicon. Give close attention to the verbs used, the grammar, and
                           the syntactical arrangement of the text.

                        Word Choice

                           Choose the best possible translation for each word based on their usage and meaning in
                           the passage in question. Look for how the words are used in the immediate context, in the
                           same book, by the same author in other books, by other authors, and in the rest of the
                           Bible until you determine the best possible translation for the text you are studying.
                           Express why you made the choice that you did.


                           Translate the entire passage based on the translation choices made in Step 3. Make a block
                           diagram of the text to better visualize the flow of the author’s thoughts.


                           For each part of the translation, explain and prove the author’s intended meaning to the
                           original audience with an emphasis on the eternal principles being taught. Focus on the

               32  Exegesis is the determination of the meaning of the biblical text in its historical and literary context (pg.1)
               33  Duvall & Hays, 100.
               34  Duvall & Hayes, 119.
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