Page 37 - Homiletics I Student Textbook
P. 37
Body (Deductive) We should praise the Lord because 1) His love is strong and 2) His faithfulness is
Conclusion: We should praise the Lord because He will not disappoint us.
Note in this example that the proposition was stated fully in the middle of the sermon.
As we’ve now seen, the ‘Big Idea’ can be communicated in a number of different ways, each way being
somewhat dependent upon the purpose the sermon is to fulfill. While not all sermon forms are
conducive to all texts of scripture, the use of different sermon forms can provide variety and freshness
to one’s preaching.
Mechanics of Expository Preaching - Construction Phase Part I
5.4 Let’s Practice…
1. Define the “big idea:”
2-3. A big idea has two major components. What are they?
4. What does the subject tell us?
5. What does the complement tell us?
6 – 10. Name and explain the five possible purposes for a sermon:
11 – 15. Name and explain the three forms that sermons can take.