Page 14 - Biblical Ethics Course
P. 14

can be directed by external reinforcement: positive insures the continuance of a behavior and negative
            extinguishes a behavior.

            Christian Example:  “The best way to control a Sunday class is by offering candy to each child for correct
            responses.  That way, the kids will listen to the Bible lesson and learn more about God.”

            Christian Example:  “Have you ever heard a parent say, ‘When your dad gets home, he is going to discipline you!’
            This is bad.  You need to discipline a child immediately after he has disobeyed, because he will forget his offense
            and the discipline will not be effective.”

            Our motivation to obey God needs to come from the heart, not from a piece of candy.  Matthew 15:8 says God
            looks at the heart of a man, not on his outward actions.  The love of God compels us to live for His purposed, not
            our own.  (Eph. 6:6-7)

                                          Now, let’s look at a Biblical philosophy…

                                          Biblicism – is a philosophy that is rooted in the Bible.  A Biblicist believes that a
                                          Creator made all things in six days, and that man, who was created on day six,
                                          was created in God’s image.  God’s image includes the emotions, the mind,
                                          and the will, the ability to communicate with language, and the ability to have
                                          freedom of choice.  The Biblicist believes that God created absolute laws in
                                          nature and absolute laws of behavior that are consistent with His nature.  He
                                          believes that God has revealed Himself to mankind through the living logos of
                                          God, Jesus Christ, and through the written Word of God, the Bible.  The
            Biblicist believes that God loves mankind and would have every person come into a personal relationship with
            Him through faith in Christ (I Peter 3:9).  He believes that God has created absolute truth after which man should
            orient his life.

            Christian Example “I believe the truth of this passage of Scripture, Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light
            upon my path…  Psalms 119: 11.  The answers to all questions of life can be found in God’s Word.”

                                         Humanism and Secularism

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