Page 4 - Biblical Ethics Course
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chooses. Marxists and Secular Humanists rely almost exclusively on their economic or naturalistic philosophy to
            determine ethics. Postmodernists argue for a morality based on shared “community” values and Cosmic
            Humanists assume that everyone acts morally by following inner truth determined on an individual basis.
            Christians, on the other hand, believe that moral norms come from God’s nature or essence. Rather than
            believing in some passing fancy bound to society’s ever-changing whims, as Christians we are committed to a
            specific moral order revealed to us through both general and special revelation.

            Biblical Ethics, therefore, is concerned with the way we ought to conduct our lives in line with God’s perfect will
            revealed in the scriptures. Clearly, then, it is an integral part of biblical revelation. The implication is that we
            behave in an ethically correct manner when we do what custom dictates. Biblical ethics are God-centered.
            Instead of following majority opinion or conforming to customary behavior, the Scriptures encourage us to start
            with God and his requirements—not with man and his habits—when we look for moral guidelines. This central,
            unifying principle is expressed in many ways in the Bible. This course will approach ethics on a scriptural basis.  It
            will not be too concerned with secular ethics, either traditional or contemporary, except as they relate to Biblical
            ethics. It will be much concerned with the dynamics of ethics; the source and mainspring of our conduct.

            Biblical Ethics calls Christians to live a way of life or way of conduct that is pleasing to God. 1 Corinthians 15:33
            speaks of Christians Living life that is characterized by godliness, which rejects any corruption of good manners.
            Good manners obviously designated the manner of life and conduct which agrees with Christian faith and
            profession. The manner of life which Christian faith demands and produces is one of goodness, and holiness
            (James 3:13, 1 Peter 3:2,16; 2 Peter 11).

            Biblical Ethics has paramount concern with heart out of which the issues of life flow. Ethics is concerned with
            manner of life and behavior. Biblical Ethics is concerned with the manner of life and behavior which the Bible
            requires and which the faith of the Bible Produces. Our attention must be focused on upon divine command, not
            upon human achievement, Upon the revelation of will of God to man, not upon human behavior. In Biblical
            Ethics we are concerned with the norms, or canons, or standards of behavior which enunciated in the Bible
            compatible with the will of God. To obey Scripture is to obey God himself.

            Definition of Ethics /Ethical Behavior
            The are many definitions available to define what ethics and ethical behavior are.  Here are a few:

               1)  Ethics is a set of principles which speak of human character and conduct, of distinction between right
                   and wrong and moral duty and obligation to the community.

               2)  Christian ethics is the philosophy which treats of the sources, principles, and practices of right and
                   wrong in light of the Holy Scriptures, in addition to the light of reason and nature.

               3)  The science of morals in human conduct; that which relates to morals, especially human conduct; that
                   which is morally correct and honorable; moral principles and rules of conduct – The Oxford American

               4)  That which is morally right or wrong; that which results in morally good action – Geisler, Christian Ethics,

               5)  “To act morally or ethically means to act in accord with accepted rules of conduct that cover moral (as
                   opposed to non-moral) matters. To have ethics or morality is to hold a set of beliefs about what is good
                   and evil, commanded and forbidden.” This includes reflection on what actions fit the categories.
                   (Feinberg and Feinberg, Brave New World, 2011, 21).
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