Page 106 - Bibliology - Textbook w videos short
P. 106

The purpose of writing the passage.

               The culture of those to whom it was written.

               The geography of the passage.

               The history of the passage.

               Notable quotes about the Bible

               “The battle that rages over the Bible today centers around the question of infallibility – whether the
               Bible is fully or partially trustworthy.   ….  From the historical perspective it can be said that for two
               thousand years the Christian church has agreed that the Bible is completely trustworthy; it is infallible or
               inerrant.”  Harold Lindsell in The Battle for the Bible

               “Holding to a strong view of Scripture or not holding to it is the watershed of the Evangelical world.”
               Francis Schaeffer in No Final Conflict

               “The overriding issue of the twentieth century is the crisis of authority.”
               Carl F.H. Henry – Quoted by Robetrson McQuilkin,  in The Crisis

               “Some people do not understand the Bible because they do not believe it is true, or at least they do not
               believe that all parts of it are true. Others do not understand it because they are unwilling to obey it.
               Still others misunderstand the communication because they are unwilling to work hard at searching out
               the meaning.”  Robertson McQuilkin in Understanding and Applying the Bible

               “In these (27 books) alone the teaching of godliness is proclaimed. No one may add to them, and
               nothing may be taken away from them.” Athanasius

               “Unless I can be instructed and convinced with evidence from the Holy Scripture … then I cannot and
               will not recant, because it is neither safe nor wise to act against conscience. Here I stand. I can do no
               other, God help me! Amen. Martin Luther

               “I would to God that the ploughman would sing a text of the Scripture at his plough and that the weaver
               would hum them to the tune of his shuttle.” D. Erasmus

               “If God will spare my life, ere many years pass, I will cause a boy that driveth the plough shall know
               more of the Scriptures than thou dost.” William Tyndale – to one of the local clergy.

               “God suffers in the multitude of souls whom His word cannot reach. Religious truth is imprisoned in a
               small number of manuscript books which confine instead of spread the public treasure. Let us break the
               seal which seals up holy things and give wings to Truth, in order that she may win every soul that comes
               into the world by her word no longer written at great expense by hands easily palsied, but multiplied
               like the wind by an untiring machine.”  Johannes Gutenberg

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