Page 12 - Bibliology - Textbook w videos short
P. 12

James the brother of Jesus was martyred in AD 62. A mid first century
                                            AD chalk ossuary discovered in 2002 bears this inscription: “James, son
                                            of Joseph, brother of Jesus” (“Ya’akov bar Yosef akhui di Yeshua”)
                                            The ossuary has provoked controversy as the inscription was originally
                                            suspected of being a forgery. However, two eminent paleogrophers
                                            confirmed it authentic in 2012. New Testament scholar Ben
                                            Witherington states: “If, as seems probable, the ossuary found in the
                                            vicinity of Jerusalem and dated to about AD 63 is indeed the burial box
                                            of James, the brother of Jesus, this inscription is the most important
                                            extra-biblical evidence of its kind.” (

               In 1961, an inscription was found which confirms not only the rule of Pilate
               in Judea but also his preference for the title ‘Prefect’. In Latin, the
               inscription (dated to c AD 26-37) reads:

               TIBERIEUM IUS PILATUS ECTUS IUDA.  The original wording was:
               Translated, this reads: “To Tiberius – Pontius Pilate, Prefect of Judea.”

               Other archaeological verifications include proof that there was a ruler named Belshazzar; the Hittites
               not only existed but also had a vast empire; King Sargon also ruled; and the matters that touch upon
               history in the Book of Acts are demonstrably accurate. So far, the findings of archaeology have verified,
               and in no case disputed, historical points of the biblical record.

               While archaeology can verify history and shed light on various passages of the Bible, it is beyond the
               realm of archaeology to prove the Bible is the Word of God. At present, archaeology is an improving
               science, with limited data available, but even with its limitations this discipline is very helpful in
               illustrating that many biblical passages are historically accurate.

               One cannot stress too strongly the importance of the Bible giving an accurate historical picture.  The
               Lord is honest and truthful.  If, through inspiration, a historical event is described in the Bible, then it
               must be either true or a fairy tale.  If found a fairy tale, then what part of the Bible can be believed as
               fact.  The historicity of the Scriptures is foundational to its reliability!

               Christianity is a historical faith which claims that God has broken into history with many mighty acts.
               Although the miracles recorded in Scripture cannot be scientifically tested or repeated due to their
               nature, persons, places, and events can be investigated historically. If the biblical writers were incorrect
               in their historical picture, serious doubt would then be cast upon their trustworthiness in areas which
               couldn’t be verified.

               From the kings of Israel to the kingdoms of Babylon and Persia, the Bible speaks accurately on history at
               all points. One resource notes there are more than 25,000 times archaeology confirms something found
               in the Bible.

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