Page 10 - Heros of the Faith - Textbook w videos short
P. 10

Study Section 2:  Apologists of the Early Church

             2.1 Connect.

                        Have you ever studied how the books of the Bible came together to form one book?  The church
                        fathers “recognized” certain books or letters as inspired by God and they became part of the
                        cannon of Scripture; other books or letters were not recognized and were ignored.  But as the
                        Word came together, the church fathers began to debate major doctrines presented in the Bible.
                        The church was certainly not unified.  It took several men to declare the doctrinal truths of
                        Scripture, and to battle against heretical teachings. These “apologists” stood for truth.  Let’s learn
            about who they were and what they stood for….

             2.2 Objectives.

                      1.  The student should be able to describe the early church “apologists” and why they were so
                      important in the 2  century church.
                      2. The student should be able to examine the life of Polycarp who was willing to die for Christ rather
                      than compromise doctrine.

            3.  The student should be able to describe the life of Athanasius and how he endured criticism for declaring that
            Jesus was God.

            4.  The student should be able to describe the life of Aurelius Augustine, how he came to Christ, and how he
            defended the faith.

            2.3 Apologists in the Early Church

                         The opponents to Christianity forced the early church leaders to develop creeds and formulas as
                         a way to solidify “orthodox” positions relative to Scripture.  This consistent criticism of the faith
                         gave rise to another special group of Christian writers, the Apologists. These writers argued for
                         the faith, and in the process allowed Christians for all ages to know what the second century
                         church believed.  They also were instrumental in the selection of the canon of Scripture, known
                         today as our New Testament.

            Polycarp – Bishop of Smyrna  (cir. 89-168)

            Excerpts from:

            Polycarp lived during the most formative era of the church, at the end of the age of the original
            apostles, when the church was making the critical transition to the second generation of
            believers. Tradition has it that he was personally discipled by the apostle John and that he was
            appointed as bishop of Smyrna (in modern Izmir in Turkey) by some of the original apostles.

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