P. 52

va lavorando a un cartone con la Sant’Anna la Madonna   Madonna and the Child  and secondly gave her the news
                 e il Bambino  e nella seconda dava notizia del fatto che   that Leonardo was engaged in the painting of a small Ma-
                 Leonardo era impegnato nella realizzazione di una picco-  donna of the Yarnwinder for Florimond Robertet. It is worth
                 la Madonna dei fusi per Florimond Robertet. Merita ripor-  showing the second letter in its entirety:
                 tare la seconda lettera nella sua integrità:
                                                                   Our most illustrious, excellent and singular Lady. This Holy
                  Ill[ustrissi]ma et Ex[cellentissi]ma D[omina], d[omi]na N[ost]  Week I heard the intention of Leonardo the painter through
                  ra Sing[ularissima]                              his pupil Salai and some others of his intimate circle who, in
                  Questa septimana s[an]ta ho intenso la intentione de Leo-  order to make it more evident to me, escorted him to me this
                  nardo pictore per mezo de Salai suo discipulo et de alcuni   Holy Wednesday .  In  short,  his  mathematical  experiments
                  altri suoi affectionati, li quali per farmila più nota me lo me-  have distracted him so much from painting that he cannot
                  norno el merchordì s[an]to . Insu[m]ma li suoi experimenti   bear the sight of a brush . And yet I tried my best to make
                  Mathematici l’hano distracto tanto dal dipingere, che non   him understand Your Excellency’s position, first as if I were
                  può patire il pe[n]nello . Pur me asegurai di farli intende-  talking to myself, and then in a more direct way upon seeing
                  re cu[m] destreza el parere di V[ostra] Ex[cellentia], prima   that he was well disposed to please Your Excellency, and this
                  como da me, poi, vedendolo molto diposto al volere grati-  because of the kindness with which he was received by Your
                  ficare V[ostra] Ex[cellentia] per la humanità gli monstroe a   Excellency in Mantua . The conclusion was that if he could
                  Mantua, e se resolti  gli disse el tutto liberame[n]te. Rimase   free himself from his obligation to His Majesty the King of
                  in questa conclusione: se si potea spiccare da la maestà del Re   France without disgrace, as he hopes to do within a month
                  de Franza senza sua disgrazia, como sperava a la più longa fra   at the most, he would be ever so ready to serve Your Excel-
                  meso uno, che servirebbe più p[re]sto V[ostra] Ex[cellentia]   lency more than anyone else in the world. But in any case, as
                  che persona del mondo. Ma che ad ogni modo, fornito ch’e-  soon as he has completed a small painting he is doing for one
                  gli havesse un quadretino che fa a uno Roberteto favorito   Robertet, a favourite of the King of France , he would do
                  del Re de Franza , farebbe subito el retrato e lo mandereb-  your portrait at once and have it delivered to Your Excellency.
                  be a V[ostra] Ex[cellentia]. Gli lasso dui boni sollicitadori. El   I have left him with two good solicitors. The small painting
                  quadretino che fa è una Madona che sede como se volesse   he is doing is a Madonna who sits as one who wants to spin
                  inaspare fusi, el Bambino posto el piede nel canestrino dei   spindles for the yarnwinder, and the child, having placed a
                  fusi, e ha preso l’aspo e mira atentame[n]te que’ quattro raggi   foot in the basket of spindles, has grasped the yarnwinder and
                  che sono in forma di Croce. E come desideroso dessa Croce   looks attentively at those four spokes of it which form a cross,
                  ride et tienla salda, no[n] la volendo cedere a la Mama che   and as if yearning after such a cross, he is laughing and holds it
                  pare gela volia torre. Questo è quanto ho potuto fare cu[m]   firm, determined not to yield it to his mother, who seems to
                  lui. Heri fornì la p[re]dica mia, Dio voglia faza tanto fruc-  want t to take it away from him. This is what I could do with
                  to q[uan]to è stata copiosame[n]te udita. Son certificato de   him. Yesterday I delivered my sermon, and may God be will-
                  qua[n]to altre volte disse del fre a V[ostra] Ex[cellentia] a la   ing that it bears as much fruit as it was plentifully listened to.
                  quale me recoma[n]do                             I confirm what I said already of the Friar to Your Excellency,
                  Florentie die 14 Ap[ri]lis 1501                  to whom I recommend myself.
                  Ex. V[ostra] Ex[cellentia]                       Florence, April 14 1501
                  servuus Fr[ater] Petrus de                       Of Your Excellency,
                  Nuvolaria .                               Servant Fra Pietro da
                                                                   Novellara, General Vicar
                 È questo l’unico documento noto sulla Madonna dei fusi .   of the Carmelites .
                 Un documento di straordinaria importanza poiché oltre a
                 fornire una descrizione, anche ricca di dettagli, del dipinto   This is the only known document on the Madonna of the
                 indica chiaramente il nome del committente e il fatto che   Yarnwinder . A document of extraordinary importance be-

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