Page 10 - PROSPECTUS MLB College
P. 10


                         The  college  follows  annual  pattern  at  undergraduate  and  semester  system  for
                          postgraduate examinations
                         Apart  from  testing  subject  knowledge,  the  examination  pattern  lays  emphasis  on
                          familiarizing students with various modes of competitive examinations

                         Evaluation  of  each  theory  paper  is  done  through  continuous  comprehensive
                          evaluation (both traditional & non-traditional patterns)
                         Job Oriented Project Work for UG final year and PG IV semester students
                         75% attendance is compulsory to be eligible for taking the main examination
                         Undergraduate annual examinations are held in March-April
                         Postgraduate I & III semester examination is held in November – December and II &
                          IV semester examination in April-May
                         Provision of ATKT for PG students. Special ATKT for PG IV semester students held
                          in July-August
                         Supplementary exam for UG students failing to pass in any one  subject. They will
                          have to appear next academic year as ex-student if they fail again in supplementary
                         Provision of review, revaluation and retotalling of marks
                         UFM and Result committees for verification of results


                                                             Theory Exam        JOPW
                             Practical/Projects                                             Internship

                                                   Main Exam                CCE Exam
                                                Semester- 85%            Semester- 15%
                                                 Annual- 80%
                                                                          Annual- 20%

                                            Traditional Method          Innovative Methods

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