Page 10 - PROSPECTUS MLB College
P. 10
The college follows annual pattern at undergraduate and semester system for
postgraduate examinations
Apart from testing subject knowledge, the examination pattern lays emphasis on
familiarizing students with various modes of competitive examinations
Evaluation of each theory paper is done through continuous comprehensive
evaluation (both traditional & non-traditional patterns)
Job Oriented Project Work for UG final year and PG IV semester students
75% attendance is compulsory to be eligible for taking the main examination
Undergraduate annual examinations are held in March-April
Postgraduate I & III semester examination is held in November – December and II &
IV semester examination in April-May
Provision of ATKT for PG students. Special ATKT for PG IV semester students held
in July-August
Supplementary exam for UG students failing to pass in any one subject. They will
have to appear next academic year as ex-student if they fail again in supplementary
Provision of review, revaluation and retotalling of marks
UFM and Result committees for verification of results
Theory Exam JOPW
Practical/Projects Internship
Main Exam CCE Exam
Semester- 85% Semester- 15%
Annual- 80%
Annual- 20%
Traditional Method Innovative Methods