P. 49

Street  Department:  A.  H.  (Jody)  Marion,   Kernersville  Sanitation  Department:  Gilbert
             Thamer  Gray,  Carey  Perdue,  Lonnl!,  Hanks.   Chambers,  Neil  Hammonds,  Junior  Ham-

                                                                                                         Water  Department:  Brady  Mullinax,  Roger  Nelson,
                                                                                                         Bobby  Pegram.

                      LOCAL  GOVERNMENT - 1971

              The government of the town of Kernersville is  basic-
        ally  the  same  as  when  the  town  was  incorporated.  The
        mayor  and  board  of  aldermen  are  elected  in  a  non-
        partisan  election  every  two  years.  Kernersville  has
        probably  the  fastest  change  over  of  government  in  the
        state.  The  election  is  held  on  the  first  Tuesday  in  May
        and  that  night  the  town  board  meets  and  all  winners
        are  sworn  in  the  day  they  are  elected.
              Kernersville  now  has  a  city-manager  form  of  gov-
        ernment.  The  town  employs  48  full  time  people  plus
        volunteer  firemen.

                                                                                                                  Superintendent  of  Disposal  Plants:  John  H .
                                                                                                                  Nelson,  Pictured  1929.  Retired  F ehruary  3,
                                                                                                                  1971  after  45 years  of  service with the Town
                                                                                                                  of  Kernersville.

                                                                                                               Tom  Freeman:  Assistant  to  Superintend-
                                                               Meter  Department:  Ray  Spencer,  Byron      ent  of  Public  Works,  Lester  Smith  of  the
                                        ....                 Vanderburg,  Bill  Hamlin .                     Street  Department.

           Street  Department:  James  Murphy.
            Town  Custodian:  Odell Fulton.

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