P. 72

Kernersville  American  offers  a  complete  line  of  automotive  services.   W.  N.  Lineback  opened  his  jewelry  store  in  Kernersville  in  the  year
         Give  us  a  call  at  993-9769  or  stop  by  at  1-40  and  N.  C.  150  for  "Lead-  1946  in  one  of  the  McCuiston  Buildings  on  Torth  Main  Street.  After  12
         Free  Amoco"  gasolines,  excellent  service,  tires,  batteries,  accessories  and   years  he  moved  to  his  present  location,  123   orth  Main  St.
         road  service.  We  are  an  authorized  American  Oil  Motor  Club  dealer.

              On April  1, 1925  at the  188th  meeting of the  Wom-
         an's  Betterment  Association  it was  moved  that the  name                                     -~                     'F==- -
                                                                                                                                       ~ =..,....,.,-~.
         be  changed  to  the  Parent-Teacher  Association  and  the                                                              r     ..r          -
                                                                                                         7~y~                  -  -=_I'              I
         new organization became active  in  the fall of 1925.  Mrs.                                 --:                                          r  -
         H.  D.  Stafford  was  the  first  president  and  Mrs.  C.  F.                               )...
         Snow,  Sr.  was  the  second.  At  the  December meeting  in
         1925  the  fathers  were  invited  to  attend  for  the  first
         time.  Before  the  January  meeting  the  disastrm;s  school
         fire  of  December  31,  1925  had  taken  place.  Now  the
         new  Parent-Teacher  Association  had  a  tremendous  role
         to  play.  The  needs  of  a  burned  out  school  are  stagger-
                                                                                                           Pilot  Brokerage  Company,  seeking  a  central  loca-
         ing to  imagine  and the  organization began at once  to fill                                   tion  in  the  Triad  area,  bought  property  on  U.  S.
                                                                                                         Highway  Interstate  40  at  Highway  66  and  built  a
         those  needs - library  books,  a  new  piano,  playground                                      new  office  building  there  which  they  occupied  in
         equipment - the  list  was  endless.                                                            July,  1960.  President  is  J.  Reid  Covington;  Vice-Presi-
                                                                                                         dent,  R.  D.  Crews;  Secretary  and  Treasurer,  Roy  G.
              The  early  PT A  had  a  splendid  record  of  achieve-                                   Saunders.
         ment  until  1936,  then,  for  some  reason:  there  was  a
         pGriod  of  inactivity  from  1936  until  1942.  On  October
         12,  1942  a  reorganization  meeting  was  held  with  Mrs.
         Ned  Stuart  elected  president.  During  those  World  War
         II  years,  with  gasoline  rationing,  large  attendance  at
         meetings was impossible.  On one memorable rainy night
         there  were  only  13  present,  but those  13  were  emphatic                                 George  Washington  play  around  1950
         that  the  organization  must  not  disband.  During  those
         years  the  efforts  were  often  patriotic.  Booths  were  set
         up and operated  by children for  the  sale of War Savings
         Stamps.  Records were kept of War Bonds purchased  by
         children  and  faculty.  For  the  year  1943-44  the  record
         shows  that  $6,531.80  was  invested  in  War  Bonds.
              The years have brought many changes to our Parent-
         Teacher  Associations  of  the  area,  but  the  primary  goal,
         dedication  to  the  community's  most  important  asset -
         her  children,  remains  the  same.  Presidents  of  the  local
         Parent-Teacher  Associations  for  the  1970-71  term  are:
         Mrs.  Barbara W.  Miller,  East  Forsyth  High  School;  Mr.
         Jack  Pierce,  Kernersville  Junior  High  School;  Mrs.  Bill
         Fishel,  Glenn  Junior  High  School;  and  Mr.  David  Holt,
         K  rnersville  Elementary  School.

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