P. 78

In  recent  years  H.  E.  Crawford  Co.  has  restored  the  Kerner
        and  Greenfield  tobacco  factory,  built  in  1884.  Mr.  J.  M.  Green-
        field  later converted the  factory  to  a  hosiery  mill.
                                                                                          J!.  E.  Cra"'!ford  Co.,. 401  S.  Cherry  Street,  engaging  in  the  manu-
                                                                                      facturmg  of  hosiery  machmery,  started  business  in  Greensboro,  N.  C.  in
                                                                                      ~935.  It. was  ID:oved  to. Kernersville  in  1940,  locating  in  the  present  build-
         senger and express  agent  and telegrapher for  more  than                   mg.  Their machmes  are m  operation  all  over the world.
         forty  years.  He  taught  the  occupation  to  a  dozen  or
         more  young  men.  These  included  his  own  three  sons
         Ora,  Frank,  and John,  and  also  P.  J.  Nash,  Leibert Ker-
         ner,  Arch  Stockton,  Carl  Kerner,  Hugh  Lindsay  and
                                                                                       Roberts  Store  was  a  two  story  26xll2  feet  brick  build-
         others.  Carl  R.  Kerner  succeeded  Richard  P.  Kerner  as
         station agent and served many years until his  retirement.                    ing  across  from  Mr.  Beard's  house.  It was  built  in  1879
                                                                                       and stands today in  good repair and is  used as  a  bakery.
           Following  the  completion  of the  railroad  a  significant
                                                                                      It  was  stocked  with  general  merchandise.  The  store
         change in the business life  of the community took place.
         A  number  of  young  men,  with  ambition  and  energy,                     handled  country produce  and  specialized  in  buying  and
         established  businesses  at  Kernersville.  The  farms  of                   shipping  dried  fruits  and  berries.  Mr.  Calvin  Roberts
         the  Piedmont  area  were  the  prime  producers  of  fine                   had his  home on the west side of Main Street.  It is  now
         tobacco,  so  it was  natural that the manufacture and sale                  the J. T. Justice home.
         of tobacco products should have foremost attention.  Fol-                         The  Beard  &  Roberts  tobacco  business  was  started
         lowing is  a brief mention of various firms  and individuals                 in  1880 and the factory was  erected in 1884.  The factory
                                                                                      was  of  brick,  52xl36  and  had  five  floors.  The  Beard  &
         as  listed  in  the  Winston-Salem  Chamber  of  Commerce
         bulletin  in  1888.                                                          Roberts brand names for their plug tobacco were Beard's
                                                                                      Favorite, Sweet Relief  and Piedmont Beauty.
                                Beard  &  Roberts                                          Mr.  Roberts  was  a  notable  church  and  educational
                Tobacco  Manufacturers  and  General  Store                           leader.  He  was  very  liberal  toward  High  Point  College

                                                                                      in  the  early  years  of  that  institution.
              This firm  consisted of James W.  Beard and J.  Calvin
        Roberts.  Mr.  Beard's  home  was  the  two  story  brick                          In  later years  the  Beard  &  Roberts  factory  was  ac-
        building  which  stood  on  the  present  site  of  Dr.  Whit-                quired by Kerner Brothers, the sons of Richard P.  Kerner,
        aker's  office.  His  home was  built in  1873.  The Beard &                  Ora,  John  and  Frank.  They  operated  it  as  a  tobacco
                                                                                     factory  and later as  a  knitting mill until it burned about
            The  brick  building  to  the  left  in  the  picture  was  the  W.  H.  Leak  &
        Co.  tobacco. factor_Y  built  in  1884  by  Brown,  Sapp  &  Co.  Mr.  Leak  later
        converted  his  b_usmess  to  a  knitting  mill.  The  building  is  now  used  by
        Hooker  of Carolina  as  a  manufacturing plant for  furniture.

            Hooker  of Carolina,  Inc.  is  a  wholly  owned  subsidiary  of  Hooker  Furni-
        ture  Corp.  of  Martinsville,  Va.,  presently  employing  70  people.  An  expan-
        sion  program  is  now  in  process  and  is  expected  to  be  completed  by  July
        of this  year.
                                                                                         In  December  1968  Wesley  F.
                                                                                       Phillips  came  to  Kernersville  to
                                                                                       continue  the  practice  of  Family
                                                                                       Medicine  that  his  brother-in-law,
                                                                                      Dr.  S.  Leo  Record,  left  when  he
                                                                                      was  drafted  into  the  U.S.  Army.
                                                                                      They  are  now  in  practice together
                                                                                      as  Kernersville  Family  Practice,
                                                                                      P.A.  He  was  graduated  at  the
                                                                                      Bowman  Gray  School  of  Medicine
                                                                                      (Wake  Forest)  in  1962,  spending
                                                                                      four  years  in  the  U.  S.  Army
                                                                                      and  two  years  at  Walkertown,
                                                                                      N.  C.  prior  to  coming  to  Ker-

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